Thursday, December 29, 2011

Book Pimpage

Taking a page from AD Spencer's book, I've decided to do some pimpage of some books before I do the inevitable New Years' Resolution post. I've had some works published in some new books, so here's the low-down.


Daily Flash 2012

366 Days of short fiction pieces of all different genres. One for every calender day of the year. How can you pass this up? My stories "Dragon Fruit" and "Gowns I Have Worn" appear here. It can be purchased from either (link on the right) or the Pill Hill Press website.

Daily Frights 2012

Like it's Daily Flash counterpart, it's 366 flash pieces of fiction. Only this time, it's all horror, all the time! My two pieces in this one are "And All Through the House" and "Sunday Dinner." Again, this can be purchased on (Link on the right) and the Pill Hill Press website.


Newly published, and featuring my story, "Tooth Jacked," is the lovely WTF?! Antho. But don't let the cover scare you, there's some fun times ahead in this one! Purchasable on (link on the right) as well as off the Pink Narcissus Press site.

My New Year's Resolution post is to follow. Feel free to check out these books and the others containing my stories. Feel free to comment and share your thoughts!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

2011: Early Round-Up

Okay, so it's been nearly two months since I last blogged. I apologize for that. So, what have you missed in the way of the Trishverse? Well...


I've been working at Godiva for this entire time, and I gotta say. I really like it. I mean, it's not a career--that's still writing or librarian work at the very least--but as a job to support myself with while I work on those other two, I really like it. I mean, it's fun. It's a great group of co-workers and supervisors. It's not really stressful. I mean, there are moments, but nothing too horrible. Definitely have done more stressful work (those of you who know my workforce history know exactly what I'm talking about here). And I've found out that I'm being kept on after seasonal, so I don't have to worry about finding another job after Feb. 14th (which is when Godiva seasonal ends). All in all, this has been what has taken up most of my time, but I'm okay with that. I just need to re-discover my writing groove.


Car's broken down. Like, since before Thanksgiving. Busted valve, I think. But today it got hauled to a mechanic to see what it'll cost us to fix it. Thankfull, he's not charging us anything to look at it and give us an estimate. It would be absolutely frickin' wonderful if it wasn't all that much. So, fingers crossed on that.

My Christmas was kind of low-key. Not bad, but not as big as I usually do it. But, I'll tell you, I'm okay with that too. After years of aiming for big, decorative Xmases, it was kind of like a vacation. I'll do it big next year, and it'll be cool. Preston and I are both doing our personal Xmases a little later (actually, he just bought me something small as an Xmas gift, and ordered the big gift--the new Abarat book *yay!*). I need to figure out what to get him, lol. I have an idea, but I'm trying to do the money math and see if I can work it out.


Wow. I can't even properly express how far behind I am. I mean, I have two different fanfiction challenges to finish. That I'm behind on. I have several original fiction stories that I need to spruce up and send out. I need to do my 2012 Submission chart. I need to finish so many longer works that it's insane. I also am signing up for a longer fanfic challenge in the new year. And, oh, believe it or not, blogging has been on my list to do for these past two months. That's right... the blog I am just now typing. That's how behind I am.

But, I did get an acceptance for a story, "Ties," that I'd been trying to get published for the better part of a year now. Also, I have stories that have come out in PillHillPress's Daily Frights and Daily Flash collections. Also, my story, "Tooth Jacked," is/will be available from Pink Narcissus Press. And on Jan. 15th, my story, "So, These Monsters Walk into a Con..." will be available within UnCONventional, from Spencer Hill Press. Appropriate links for ordering/pre-ordering will be added over in the sidebar ---->

I haven't updated my writing site in a little bit. I'll have to catch up on that as well.

To Sum Up...

Screw it. 2012 is a new year, and I'm ready to face it head-on. My 2011 sucked so hard. I lost my house. I lost most of my material possessions. I lost good relationships that I never thought I would lose. I've been a burden to some and burdened upon. But right now, in this moment, things are okay. I have a place to stay. I have a job. I'm an aunt to a beautiful baby girl. Preston's doing great in school. He graduates in June. Things are getting better, slowly but surely. 2012 will be a better year. I know it will be. And I can't wait to greet it.

Oh, about the photo manip at the top of the blog. Much thanks to for restarting their challenges. I'd fallen behind on my photomaniping as well. It's nice to be getting back on track. (That was a winning manip, too).

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

It Has Begun

I mean a lot of different things with that title. Namely, however, I speak of NaNoWriMo. I did the midnight start up--as I've done every year but the very first year I did NaNo. I'm now sitting--as you can see at the side--at 2,070. I intend to add more to it tonight before I go asleep, trying to stay ahead.

I also start work tomorrow. I mean, I went to a Sunday night clean/stock thing, but this is work-work I'm starting tomorrow (Wednesday). During store hours. I really hope I don't accidently blow the place up or something.

Oh, and I also began one of my Wishlist 2011 fics last night. I don't plan for it to be longer than 300 or 400 words, so I got some good headway on it (like 50 words, lol). And I haven't started the next Trials chapter yet--I mean, NaNo--but it shall be done soon enough. In fact, if I feel good enough about it tonight, I might start it. I need to keep the relatively steady pace I have been so I can finish it and put up Tribulation.

Back to workforce gabber, I'm still looking for a second part-time job, as well as looking at libraries (well, going to be looking at libraries). And my fiance has an interview tomorrow, so good luck to him! Oh, I also got all my ID troubles and most of the car troubles fixed today. Things are looking up. Let's hope they stay that way.

Keep an eye on the sidebar to see my word count for NaNo rise! Or add me as a buddy! My name on NaNo is PatriciaLouise.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Or rather, overflowing. I'm not sure where to start. How about the non-writing stuff for a change?

Non-Writing Stuff

Okay, so I'm still trying to get an apartment. To do that, I need my birth certificate. Hopefully I'll get a text from my sister at any moment, announcing that she's found it. At least, that way, I don't have to pay to get it and go through that whole mess. I think I'll also get a State Issued ID until I get an opportunity to get my license. It seems a bit easier that way. Also, although I do plan to have a ceremony when I can afford it--dress, flowers, the whole shebang--my fiance and I will be getting married as soon as we can afford it in a civil ceremony at the courthouse. That way, we can qualify for a bit more of the help that we need.

Oh, also, I totally have a job! I start this Sunday--if I understood that right--at Godiva Chocolatier. Godiva! Of all the 9-5s I could have gotten, I'm so happy that it was that one! I can't wait to be making a steady paycheck again. I miss it, seriously. As much as I love writing, that steady paycheck is just so nice.

Writing-Related Stuff

(The Twisted Library)

A sad bit of news here. I had three stories accepted and waiting for print (+2 I was waiting to hear from), and the Library has recently had to drop just about all of their anthologies. It was just costing the owner too much in this crappy economy. While understandable, that leaves me with 5 stories to search for new homes for. However, the Library will continue publish novels (+3, if I remember, of their anthos that were planned for print). If you want to support them, check out the forum here to see how to go about buying one of their ridiculously awesome novels!


I recently posted chapter 19 (titled "Between the Devil and the Deep Crimson Sea) up on! After that, the count of chapters left to write and post, including the epilogue, is 7. Just 7! The end is near, folks! And I've got 122 reviews on it, and it'll end up being way longer (word count) than Untested was. Now if I could translate this power I have for this story into some of my novels or other fanfics. Anyhoo, the sequel to Trials will be call Tribulation, so there's something to chew on while you wait for chapter 20!


Have I outlined? Nope. I actually negative outlined. Do I need to? Like you wouldn't believe! I need to get to 50 next month--while writing and working and doing holiday stuff and moving--and I have no plan past chapter one. Actually, I need this novel to end up being about 80k when it's finish. So, yeah. Oh, and speaking of that...


So I added about 1500 or so words to Aftershock the other day. Yay moment, right? Yeah, I should have added it to Winds of Change. That's the one that's got an honest to God deadline. Something else I need to be working on. And another one that I only have a vague outline for. Not to mention the slew of other novellas I have planned that I haven't even started!

(50 States of SPN)

I've got a vague outline--no title--for my fic set in Alaska. I have a really good idea of what I want to happen in it and how I want it to happen. But for the one in Alabama? I've got a vague outline of the beginning. Have no idea how I'm ending this. I need to do more research for both, really, but mostly for the Alabama one. Of which I have no title for. Yeah. Posting for this begins Dec. 1st. Yikes, right?

(Wishlist 2011)

I have all 12 of my prompts! I'll be doing a post on my LiveJournal account of the complete list. They'll be in order I got them (not necessarily the order I'll do them in). Posting starts for that on Dec. 1st as well. I have a couple of those I have to research for, but only a couple. I'm sort of working on one of them now, since it's a character I've never written for before (did this to myself).

(SPN Crossover Big Bang)

What's a big bang? Well, as it was explained to me, it's where a fanartist and a fanficcer meet up. The fanficcer writes a story (in this case, a crossover and a long one), and the artist does fanart for that story. There is a sign up period (Jan 11th-Feb 25th) and several checkpoints. Posting of the fanfic--which is beta-read beforehand--doesn't begin until June. By then, the writer has written the complete fic, and the artist has done the art for it. Now, the big question is, am I doing this? Well, to be honest, I'm considering it. What Supernatural Crossover will I be doing? That's part of the consideration. I either have to come up with one, or stretch the one I have in my mind into a chapter-length fic. Of course, with the stretching idea comes the fact that I need to complete a particular sequel fic first. And I could do that. I could. I could work on both and post only the sequel fic. Then, ideally, it'll be done by June, in which I could post the Big Bang fic. But that's crazy, right? I just don't know. I'd really like some imput on that one.

And I think that's everything. I mean, I have a few other things going on that I need to do (flyers and craigslist related, oddly enough). Well, until then, here's my NaNo calender.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Wishlist Announcement!

I'm now accepting prompts for the Wishlist Fanfic Challenge! You can find the post on my LJ here! If you don't have an LJ account, just leave me an anon message! I've still got at least 10 spots open!

Another update, a better one, on the ways soon!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Lookin' Up AKA Writing Update AKA Schedule is still working on its updates, so--for now--this blog, photobucket, and my deviantart page is the only place to see this cover. I'm not sure if I love the cover--I don't hate it, and I definitely like it better and better the more I look at it--but I just like my banner--soon to be added to the bottom of this blog page--better. So, catching up, let's get this blog post on the road.

Writing Related

I totally finished a novellette length work that will appear--unless something happens, nothing is ever set in stone--in an anthology (I really shouldn't say which one until the TOC is final). It ran a little over 13k, thought will probably be a couple of hundred under 13k after proper edits--which is totally cool. If you'd like, the title is over there ---> in my sidebar, and I'll leave its progress bar up until the work sees print. Then I'll replace it with a link to where the antho can be purchased.

So, let's see... what else? Oh, well, I have two other deadlines I wish to do for this month, one due in a couple of days and one due on the 31st. Also, I signed up to partcipate in several challenges/writing group things. First, there's the Pill Hill Press's Fall Shootout. It's currently closed for people to sign up to participate--sorry for the late advertisement, I'll do better for the Spring one, promise. But my good friend, AD Spencer, is also partcipating, as well as a couple of those that were also in the very first Shootout I'd ever partcipated in--2011's Summer one.

Next, of course, is NaNoWriMo. They finally put up the partcipation badges on the site--which is still being booted up from their updates--and I have mine added at the top of the sidebar ---> My synopisis is up for the novel I plan to attempt, and as soon as writing buddies are back up, I'd love to be added and/or to add you. Just send me an invite on the site (again, when it's up) and I'll return the favor. You can find me here.

Hmm... what else? Oh yeah, I joined in a fanfic challenge called The 50 States of SPN. See my LJ for more on that, but basically you sign up for states (two, in mine and Ariyana's case) and choose a ghost/monster/whatever story that actually exist for that state and write a fanfic where the Winchester Boys hunt said ghost/whatever. My two states are Alabama and Alaska. (AD's are Alabama and Mississippi). I have a good idea for both Alabama and Alaska, I just need to work on it. Posting of the finished fics begins on Dec. 1st.

Following that same train of thought, AD and I also signed up for The Wishlist Challenge which was advertised on Twisting the Hellmouth. Basically, you sign up for a full round (24) half round (12) or a quarter round (6). Then, on October 15th you make a post on your LJ, announcing the fandoms you will write for and what you will absolutely under no circumstances write for. Then, on a first come first serve basis, you accept prompts and write fanfics. Starting (again) on Dec. 1, you post one fic a day as a Christmas gift of sorts to readers. AD and I signed up for a half round. When I do my post on LJ, I'll do a blog with a link so you can prompt too, if you'd like.

I also have another novella due soon (Winds), but I'm not worried about it (yet... see me about this in November). Not to mention any other short story deadlines I want to meet, and Aftershock, another novella, I want to finish and try to find a home for.

And finally, in an attempt to make some pocket change--at the very least--I signed up for Hubpages to write articles. I currently have none written, but that will all change soon. I'll link to them here, but keep an eye on my profile for more info. I'll put a link to it at the side as well. And please, feel free to click an advertisements and links... I think that's how Hubpages pay me. I know all the Amazon advertisements are legit.

And back to fanfiction for a final moment, I've made a slight change to my plan. I've dropped trying to finish The Funny Thing About Keys so soon. I mean, it's definitely still one of the fics that I'll be finishing soon, but not as soon as Trials. I'm on a roll with Trials, and I need to outline on Keys, so for any Keys readers who actually keep up with this blog, please be patient. I don't want that fic to suffer just because I'd rather be writing on Trials. It's not fair.

Lookin' Up

Just a quickie here. Things are definitely looking up. Savannah and Tyler were kind enough, one day, to take me around the Galleria to apply for jobs. Because of that, I have already interviewed at Bath and Body Works--fingers crossed--and I have an interview at Michael's Arts & Crafts tomorrow. Now, all I need is to hear back from Godiva and Hobby Lobby and I'd be estatic. Any wishings of Good Luck are very much appreciated!

Oh, also, Preston is doing very well in his classes, and he has an interview as well tomorrow. Good Luck wishings for him as well, please!

Schedule (From 10/13 to 10/15)

Oct. 13:

--Edit Galley from SW (code, of course, lol)

--Finish NaNo Calender

--Work on Hub Article

--Update Craft Blog

--Work on Winds

Oct. 14:

--Edit for SHP

--Work on Shootout Story

--Work on Deadline for the 15th

--More applications to fill out

--Work on Hub Article

--Work on Winds

Oct. 15:

--Post for Wishlist Challenge

--Shootout Due

--Deadline Due

--Start Outlining for HoR I: FA

--Work on Winds

--Outline more on The Funny Thing About Keys

Schedule to be updated next on Oct. 15 (late) or Oct. 16 (early).

Saturday, October 8, 2011

That Ol' Knot Is Back

By that, I mean the knot in my stomach. Yes, this isn't an update on my writing so much as a personal rant/seeking advice. I have a lot of things on my plate that are worrying my at present. I mean, really. I'm still searching for a job--although I totally just applied for a Tech Writing job that I am oh-so qualified for. And I need money. Now.

Enter the desperation. Now, I'm not "selling illegal stuff" desperate or "selling an organ I'm still using" desperate, but I'm pretty bad off. I've applied and applied, and barely got a nibble. I'm tired of not bringing in any cash. I mean, don't get me wrong, most of the stories I've submitted and got accepted have a payment attached, but these are short stories. They don't pay much, and they only pay when they're in print/online. And I know what some might think: "Well, just finish the any number of longer works you're working on." Yeah, well, I kind of need money to do that. Can't write if I don't have a place to write in.

But let me get to the seeking advice part of this blog. I stumbled across and I've done a little research. They're legit. However, I don't know if doing this would be a waste of my time. Do I sign up and go for it, or what? I think I might just.

Anyhow, my point is thus: I'm a college graduate with a BS in English (haha, I know). I've been working in the independent publishing (fiction) game practically since I left UNA's doors. I have library experience, as well as experience dealing with massive amounts of teens at once. I can write like nobody's business. Wanna know what I'm not good at? Job hunting. I could use some help there. I don't want to work in fast food--or food at all, if I can help it. Not because I think I'm "above it," but because I think I'd be the worker that everyone would mutter, "Are you freakin' serious? She messed up that?" in those situations. I'm not a terribly confident person sometimes, so I'm not sure I can handle that. But there are 9 to 5 jobs I'm pretty sure I could do. Retail, for example. Why the hell can't someone just hire me? I feel like I've gone in the same circles, round and round for nothing.

So, if anyone out there reading this knows of someone who might be interested in an English major with a history minor who has a crapton o' library experience, give me chat. Meanwhile, screw it. I'm signing up with hubpages.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Happy (Belated) Birthday, Maddie!

Isn't she just a ball of adorable? This, folks, is my beautiful little niece, Madeline Rose! Congrats to her parents, Laura and Lee!

So, what's going on with me? Nothing much. Preston starts school Monday, we're here watching Savvy and Tyler's pets--and Leigh Anne's, lol. I have a lot of applications to fill out. And as for writing? Well, I've been bad recently. I really need to get back on track. I promise, my next blog update will be with some better news on that front. But, for now, here's a picture of the cute little baby with a toothpaste bow in her hair... um, on her head. LOL.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Planning Ahead

I'm a planner. I mean, seriously, if I knew exactly what it took, I would be a Wedding Planner, I love to plan so much. But, oddly, one of the things that often requires a lot of planning for, I rarely plan ahead for, leaving it to be done as I'm supposed to be working. What am I speaking of? Yup, nearly a month early, but I speak of NaNoWriMo! I had the great pleasure of winning last year with this little (fanfic) baby (click here for link):

Usually, I don't plan for NaNo until a couple of weeks before Nov. 1st--the kickoff. And last year, I only had three chapters of Building Blocks outlined until a few days into November. In fact, I had not even planned on participating last year--long story, folks--so I didn't even have a story until Oct. twenty-something. But I participated and won.

But this year... this year, it's different. AD Spencer had made a banner and sent it my way, cementing what her choice for NaNo was this year. Because, let's say, we both had a lot of choices. I literally had a list that had both original fiction works that were both novellas and novels to three fanfic sequels. But after talking to AD it hit me. I want a novel done. One I can sell. So I went with this:

I've had the House of Roanoke series planned for forever! It started out as a series of Short Stories in my head. However, my number one fan for this series (yeah, it's AD) led me to believe that it could be a novel. After some thinking, I realized that, yeah, I love this story enough to make it a novel. And then I thought some more and came to the conclusion that it could be four novels. And then I talked to AD again and realized that an old story idea of my could be linked to this world. So, although it's not apart of the quartet, it's a companion to this world. And then I talked to her about a problem I had concerning one of the characters in the House of Roanoke... how I didn't know what to do with them at the end. I told her what I didn't want to do. And then she made a wonderful suggestion. And, once again, although it isn't to be apart of the quartet, it is definitely a sequel/companion novel to follow. Keeping count? No? Well let me tell you. That's six. Six novels in the planning for this world that so far has only been one unpublished short story--which is a very bad version of chapter one of Family Affairs, btw.

So what's the story to this thing? Well, I'm not willing to say at this moment, other than the fact that I draw upon the story of Roanoke, America's first attempt at a colony. It's a supernatural genre, and it's geared toward adults, though maybe not for the reasons that one might automatically think of when someone thinks "adult fiction," if you get my drift.

So outlining here I come. NaNo '11, your ass is grass, and I'm the lawnmower! (Yikes, I haven't heard that since I was five.) Now... to actually do some work.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Where I Stand

Okay, that image is just a little pretty I did in anticipation of the upcoming premiere of Supernatural Season 7. They've already given us the first minute or so of it online as a promo... all I can say is exactly what AD Spencer said... Mean Cas is Mean :(

(Oh, and the crackle texture I used can be found in the gallery of AshenSorrow.)

So, what am I up to, you ask? As you can see over to the right, I've finally added that other novella. Yeah, I know that 10k isn't technically a novella in some cases, but it can go up to 15k. I just put the minimum to be safe. I've put up that chapter of Trials at, so now I'm due for Chapter 16 of The Funny Thing About Keys. I've set a good pace for those two, so even if I don't finish them on the exact date I have shared with AD Spencer, I'll at least finish really close to it. My other fanfics, you ask? Yeah, they're still around. The next fanfic past these two that I want to finish is... and this is the first place I've announced this, mind you... Youth and Innocence. It's fully outlined--I'm ashamed to say considering the last time I updated on it--so it shouldn't be that difficult. Also on the fanfiction front, AD and I have entered into a livejournal community's challenge called the 50 States of SPN--livejournal community shares the same name. The challenge? Have a LJ account and sign up for an open state. Then, between now and sometime in Dec, write a fanfic at a minimum of 1k about a myth or legend that takes place your state. They've recently opened back up in efforts to fill all 50 states with only a handful being considered closed. AD and I both have Alabama, but there's still spots open in that. There's also spots open in the other states we asked for--her: Mississippi; me: Alaska.

I also recently posted on my craft blog, Craft Wars. If it so strikes your fancy to do so, be sure to check that out! Also, see my previous blog post for a link to that writing competition I entered. I'd be very thankful for any and all votes on my story, entitled "Piece of."

And that's my writing update. Now, it's back to the ol' grindstone (re:keyboard).

Monday, September 5, 2011


See that number? Yeah, the one up there in the title? Know what that is? No? Well, I'll tell you. 55, 799 is the number of words--words--that I wrote total last month. And that's both in fanfiction and in original fiction. The banner up there? That's my nifty prize for doing 31 fanfics in 31 days.

Now, did I finish those two huge deadlines due at the beginning of this month? Um... no. However, if I can direct you attention over there ----> Those names and wordcounts are the novellas I'm still working on and where I stand on them. I'm still working on them with the full intention to finish them and sent them off. I have one other that I've signed on to finish, so when I come up w/ a title it'll be added over there.

In other news? Yeah, I'm still applying for 9 to 5s, working on finishing Trials and The Funny Thing about Keys (which is the one that's due to have a chapter uploaded... as soon as I write it, lol). I also need to be thinking about--not too heavily until October--about what I'm doing for NaNoWriMo. I have several novel projects--not to mention two other novellas I wish to work on. And I have a fanfiction sequel I've been promising for oh, about forever. At least a year, lol. So, yeah.

Now, before I go, there's just one other thing. I've entered a fiction contest that is totally reliant on public votes to win. I'd really appreciate it if anyone who reads this who might not have already voted for my story would vote. Or pass the word to others to vote. Click my story title for the link: "Piece of"

Thanks. Oh, and also, I finally did that blog about the pros and cons of having a writing buddy. You can find it both on my personal writing blog here or at the Guild of the Fantastic Quill's blog. I'd love to hear any thoughts on the subject. So, until next time!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Spin Me Right Round, Baby, Right Round Like a Record

Okay, so just a little update on me. Currently, I'm sitting in Birmingham because Preston had to finish up his college stuff--and I get to hang out with my BFFs Savvy and Slink!(Squee!) But, that doesn't mean the writing has stopped.

Fanfiction? Yeah, it's still going on. I've got to do my ficlet for today's entry into the Fic-A-Day challenge over at Twisting the Hellmouth's Live Journal, TwistedShorts. Oh, and that link on the words "Live Journal" leads to my personal LJ. I'm using it as a backup for my fanfics and it's still very much under construction. And, of course, I have to do that ever looming chapter of Trials, which isn't so bad except that I have to clear the time to do it.

Original fiction? Yeah, that's still going too. I've switched gears, leaving TWoC to sit for a bit while I work on AS and ChristianSciFi. Plus, I have all those pesky little deadlines still swirling around. I have about 1.3k written for one of the deadlines... oh, and I've gotten an acceptance for one of my stories, "Go See the Fall-Apart Man." That poor thing had been bounced around and around, so I'm glad that Pink Narcissus took it for their WTF!? Antho. And I've recently noticed that one of the other anthos I'm in is at the printer, so I'll be posting a cover over in my slideshow as soon as the publisher puts one back up. But I put about 1.3k on AS last night. I'm hoping to add even more today. It's got to be between 25k-35k... so, yeah. Miles to go...

Blogs? Well, I plan to do a blog about the pros of having a writing buddy over at my website. Look for that one soon. I'll post it up on the Guild of the Fantastic Quill's Blog sometime after. I also plan to review the earrings I won from Enchanted Conversaton's Island Music Contest over at my Craft Wars blog. So lots to do, lots to do. Not to mention that I need to read and review the last round of stories from something I'm participating in. Those are due in Sunday night, so I need to get started on those today.

So there's my progress in a nutshell. And, your reward for reading this far is this, another lovely fanart!

Yeah, I know it's nowhere near Halloween, but one of the upcoming chapters of Trials has a scene at a Halloween dance. Now, Isaac doesn't go as Batman, but Ria does go as Ivy. You can find that pattern on Icey Tina's profile at deviantart. Totally don't own the pictures, and yes, Aly is my model for Ria--not in personality and not entirely in looks... but she comes closest.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Zuul, Motherf**ker, Zuul

The above line is a quote from The Nostalgia Critic, coming from several of his very hilarious reviews. Definitely give them a watch. I specifically recommend watching The Top 11 Dumbest Spiderman Moments, but most everything I've seen so far has me cracking up over something.

So, what else have I been up to? Well, a lot and a little, to be honest. I'm still going strong in the Twisting the Hellmouth August Fic-A-Day. I put up that chapter of The Funny Thing About Keys mentioned in a previous post, so now I'm due for a chapter of Trials. I just had one, possibly two, chapter fanfic ideas handed to me not thirty seconds ago. And I've still got three other chapter fanfics to start.

And that's not my Original Fiction...

I made a switch on one of my novella projects,which puts me 5k ahead on it--roughly--which lets me breathe a little easier. I've got a good, solid skeleton on which to add the muscle. And it's only got to go to 15k min. (20k, max). It's code named ChristianSciFi (Bam! I know, right? LOL). As for the other two novellas with solid deadlines--TWoC and AS--I'm about 3.5k into TWoC and 300-500 into AS. That first scene on TWoC is killing me. It just won't frickin' end. I'm convinced that if I could just get to that first little scene change mark, it would all just come flying out onto the page. Bam! 25k, there it is! *sigh* I just need to type a crap end to that scene and come back later. I have a bitch of a time turning off my inner editor. Where is that NaNoWriMo magic the rest of the year that isn't November? And those other projects? There all still there, looming over me.

But I'm wriing every day. Which is good, no matter what I'm producing. It keeps my brain working, coming up with fresh ideas. So, I'm going to leave off here with this: I'm writing, but it's not always one type or the other. And, also, here's some more of my fanart! The link to my deviantart profile is over there ------> in my links, so check it out.

Made for one of my August Fic-A-Day fics. I was really proud of what I did to get it this way.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Just a Little Update

Well, like the title suggests, just a quick update on the Trishverse. I've gotten a couple more publication credits under my belt, and I have several big projects coming. Their codenames are as follows: TWoC, AS, LE, UntitledWBR, TOoLS, HoR:E, and DMatLoL. Four of these (and yes, I've double checked the spelling, despite how funny a couple of those look, lol) have solid deadlines in this year. While three of them are strictly an "all me" type of thing. Plus the list (literally) of smaller deadlines to meet this year. These, by the way, are my original, publishable goals. I still have my fanfiction ones.

And those fanfiction goals are to finish two of my currently running fics by mid-October to mid-November, Trials and The Funny Thing About Keys. And, along with that, start three--four when Trials is done-new fanfics. Yes, they do just keep coming. Oh, and then there's the current fanfiction thing I'm doing. See, Twisting the Hellmouth, a Buffy the Vampire Slayer xover site has a thing going called the August Fic-A-Day Challenge. One fanfiction between 300-3k each day. And chapters to a single fic don't count. So far, I'm 3/4--as it is now past midnight. Don't worry, though, that fourth one is still there. Oh, and I still need 10 fics to fill up the end of this month. So if anyone has got any Buffy xovers with shows/movies/books they'd like to see, let me hear them.

Outside of writing, Preston has nearly gotten everything set up for his school. All that's left is to get the people at the college to give him a date to come down and finish up. I think he even knows what he's getting back. As for me? Well, I'm still trying to find a small job to work until the move.

Well, now that you're all caught up, I'll leave you with this:

Songs that Make Me Think of Severus Snape:
"It's Not Me" by 3 Doors Down
"My Sweet Prince" by Placebo
"Poison Prince" by Amy MacDonald
"Dance with the Devil" by Breaking Benjamin (To be fair, this one reminds me of a lot of my favorite characters... and now that I think of it, this applies to the first one on this list too.)
"All Around Me" by Flyleaf

Give these a listen for youself! Oh, and Savvy, although the banner at the top of this post was made for one of my very, very embarassingly older fanfics, I thought of you when I made it.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Book Giveaway!

Just read a great synopsis for a book, and it's being given away! Check it out here:

Monday, July 25, 2011

Deviantart Question

Okay, so this one is actally two questions. The first one is, does anyone want me to upload the background that I'm currently using for this blog on deviantart? Or the one for my craft blog? Or how about this one at my fictional blog?

Or, if you want me to make you a background, let me know!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Spoiler Alert!

Okay, so I made this banner for the an upcoming chapter of my fanfiction The Funny Thing About Keys, a Batman: The Animated Series/Buffy the Vampire Slayer fic. I made this banner as I was uploading the most recent chapter... and then realized that it would be a spoiler for the next chapter. So, yeah... this is the second place--including photobucket--that this banner has appeared on. Unfortantely for the readers of Twisting the Hellmouth--where is the only place I can put banners inside chapters... I can only link to deviantart--I have plans to do the next chapter of another fic first. Not to mention three others... so yeah, it might be a bit before my readers see it. Well, here it is for you first!

Monday, July 18, 2011

A Huge Relief

So, I had the conversation I was dreading. I think some points were missed, but overall, it went well. I'm not going into detail because, honestly, it's a lot to catch up on. But, things are appearing to finally go my way.

Well, just a small update on the Trishverse. Meanwhile, it's back to writing!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I've Been Pimped, So... turn, I'm going to do some pimping of my own. You see, my best friend, non-blooded sister, and several other endearing terms that totally apply, has made the switch from using her website for her writings to her blog for her works. And she's decorated it all prettyful. Her name is AD Spencer--or Ariyana, unless she's switched that here on blogger.

Anyhow, she should definitely be checked out at her blog The Busy Procrastinator.

So what are you waiting for? Go now!


PS: If any of you are interested in a Castlevania fanfic of mine, click the image at the bottom of the blogger page to puruse my fanfics! (scroll all the way down past the posts)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Belated Happy Fourth!

Well, first off, direct your eyes to this post's title. I mean that, LOL. Secondly, I have to add that I was rather surprised. I actually had a lot of fun up at my family's for the fourth. Only two problems with two separate people, but otherwise, I was always talking with someone. Which is strange, considering that I was the one they used to tease at Christmas for just sitting in a corner, not saying a word.

On writing news--yes, I know, but it doesn't mean that it won't get mentioned--I just added a post to my writing blog, on my website... and I'm not sure it posted. It wasn't anything special. But I really hope it posted. I'm trying to get back in the habit--on both of them--of blogging regularly.

So, here's to getting back into the swing of things.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Okay, You Know What...

I think I'm going to scrap the "this is my writing blog" idea and just attach that to my website. This blog will remain personal. And right now, I am in the desperate need of a rant.

There's this girl. She's the significant other of a friend of my significant other. Okay... this may seem harsh but... I really fucking hate this annoying bitch. Sorry. That wouldn't have been so vulgar if it had not been for the second real impression I just got from this person. Let me flash back to to my first real impression.

I had already met her once or twice for a moment apiece, but I hadn't really gotten to speak with her. She happened to be in the same car as me as my sister told me she was pregnant. Then, at a later date, when they were in the car with my mother and I, she was evasdropping on a rather private conversation between the two of us. Okay, so yeah, we all tend to do that in confined spaces. But then this idiot interrupts us with, "Uh, I just wanna ask. What are ya'll gonna do with the baby?"

WTF? Who the hell is she to ask this? I mean, really, how freakin' rude. And then, there was two minutes ago.

She and the friend show up where I'm staying. She's here, literally, a minute and she looks over to Preston and me and says, "Um, what are you guys doing here?" Like it's her fuckin' house? And then Preston explains the situation, she's like, "Oooh, hoppin' around."

Bitch. I totally think it's destiny for me to go off on her in the future. I don't know why, but I feel it. I mean, she obviously has issues with business, namely her own. And I just stopped typing for a minute to discuss with our host and Preston about how annoying that was. Preston saw the anger in my eyes. And I said to him, "One day... I'm gonna be in a bad mood." Preston nodded knowing.

God, and I honestly am addressing this God, thank you so much for my patience.

How will round 2--now unknown--with his girl go? Acidic sarcasm will be the inital strike, I think... unless it's been one of those days.

Off subject, before I end this, the link to my website--writing blog to come--is

Monday, April 11, 2011

Tonight, Brought to You by Outlining

Okay, so the novel work has been a slow go. I've had a lot to contend with that's non-writing related. And that's to say nothing of the writing related ones.

So, that's what tonight's for. I'm dealing with some of my writing related problems, since I've made some good progress on the real life ones.

After talking with Slink about what I should be doing tonight, I've finally talked it out and figured ou a gameplan for tonight. First, I'll be doing a little outline for one of my upcoming short story deadlines. Following that I'll be trying to do an overall, series mini-outline. And, finally, I'll be going to my old prologue in my YA novel and make some in-depth notes.

So there it all is, folks! Here's hoping I'll have something to report tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Pre-Pre-Game Show

Well, I was actually going to keep this to myself, but I've found that maybe, if I keep a running "diary" of sorts, that this might actually help.

I am going to finish, edit, and send off a novel this year, so help me God. I currently have three that I'm trying to work between, two would be aimed toward an Adult audience with one being aimed at a Young Adult audience.

I'm still actively working on my short story deadlines as well as my fan fiction, but here it is. As for where I stand on these three novels, I'm currently reading over what I have of my YA one, as well as dabbling with the first words of my adult one that I'll refer to as FA.

Here goes! Wish me luck! Updates on my progress as we go!