Thursday, August 4, 2011

Just a Little Update

Well, like the title suggests, just a quick update on the Trishverse. I've gotten a couple more publication credits under my belt, and I have several big projects coming. Their codenames are as follows: TWoC, AS, LE, UntitledWBR, TOoLS, HoR:E, and DMatLoL. Four of these (and yes, I've double checked the spelling, despite how funny a couple of those look, lol) have solid deadlines in this year. While three of them are strictly an "all me" type of thing. Plus the list (literally) of smaller deadlines to meet this year. These, by the way, are my original, publishable goals. I still have my fanfiction ones.

And those fanfiction goals are to finish two of my currently running fics by mid-October to mid-November, Trials and The Funny Thing About Keys. And, along with that, start three--four when Trials is done-new fanfics. Yes, they do just keep coming. Oh, and then there's the current fanfiction thing I'm doing. See, Twisting the Hellmouth, a Buffy the Vampire Slayer xover site has a thing going called the August Fic-A-Day Challenge. One fanfiction between 300-3k each day. And chapters to a single fic don't count. So far, I'm 3/4--as it is now past midnight. Don't worry, though, that fourth one is still there. Oh, and I still need 10 fics to fill up the end of this month. So if anyone has got any Buffy xovers with shows/movies/books they'd like to see, let me hear them.

Outside of writing, Preston has nearly gotten everything set up for his school. All that's left is to get the people at the college to give him a date to come down and finish up. I think he even knows what he's getting back. As for me? Well, I'm still trying to find a small job to work until the move.

Well, now that you're all caught up, I'll leave you with this:

Songs that Make Me Think of Severus Snape:
"It's Not Me" by 3 Doors Down
"My Sweet Prince" by Placebo
"Poison Prince" by Amy MacDonald
"Dance with the Devil" by Breaking Benjamin (To be fair, this one reminds me of a lot of my favorite characters... and now that I think of it, this applies to the first one on this list too.)
"All Around Me" by Flyleaf

Give these a listen for youself! Oh, and Savvy, although the banner at the top of this post was made for one of my very, very embarassingly older fanfics, I thought of you when I made it.

1 comment:

  1. TOoLS and HoR:E ... I can see how that might keep one busy, lmao. ;) I honestly might stop by every day to look at that banner and put a smile on my face. OH, and I agree with every one of those songs!
