Saturday, August 14, 2010

Facebook Etiquette

Just a quick rant here. So, I'm sure that all of you now have several family members in your Facebook friend's list. Okay, that's awesome. But I'm having a really sucky night, and I feel like I can't properly use my Facebook anymore to vent that like I used to. I'd really like to post a status that truly expresses how I feel, but not only to I have family on there, I have former employers on there as well. And what I wanted to post could be taken the wrong way. Not to mention that I posted a quote from Michael C. Hall that talks about how he feels playing Dexter, and one of my relatives kinda got a little freaked out, I think. I hate this!

Well, since I can't post it on Facebook, here was the status that I WAS going to post just a few seconds ago:

Patricia Louise Puckett is having one of those days when, to quote Foamy, "The world sucks, and everybody sucks, and you just want to kill everybody, but you can't because of the legal ramifications."

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

You Know You're a Geek When... Part III

Yeah, it's been forever, but I just feel like typing another one of these. Rereading them gives me a laugh--yes, my vanity is showing.

28. You and someone else exchange play strategies for facebook games.
29. You can ill in these Blanks: "Hello, My name is ______________. You killed my _________. Prepare to _____."
30. You know where the above quote came from.
31. You know what order the following goes in: Epic fail, fail, fail at life.
32. You laugh hysterically at LOLCat pictures.
33. You have to stop yourself from abbreviating "pictures" as "pics."
34. You would be afraid of your mental well-being if certain characters were real.
35. Crossovers are just a way of life.
36. A part of you dies when a teenager can't name two of Shakespeare's plays.
37. You have moral dilemma when it comes to the type of fictional characters you find attractive. You discuss these dilemmas with your geek friend, who understands completely.
38.When a family member is sick, you find yourself thinking, "What would Dr. House do?"
39. You root for Dexter to get his murderer... fully aware that he's a murderer himself.
40. You have a favorite TV commercial.
41. You often dance to music, in public, that you are fully aware that only you can hear.
42. You've ever argued the validity of a TV show... that deals w/ the supernatural or the fantastical.

Maybe I'll get a part IV out before next year, LOL.

I Think Negaduck Owns Me...

Yeah, so, for those who have not checked my facebook in the last few months--and I can't imagine who that would be who reads this--I've been obsessed with the fact that there is a brand-spanking new Darkwing Duck comic that is an ongoing series! (Issue #3 released tomorrow--8/11... it has Negaduck in it *squees*).

So, yeah, I'm gonna skip all the bad news, because, to be honest, it's not bad enough to relive and it'll all work out eventually. Probably not before I get an ulcer, but c'est la vie. But, needless to say, we didn't get the PC house--was sold out from under us. But we got approved for a loan from the bank to get a house--any house, under a certain price. How bass-ackwards is that? (btw, I'm in the library as I type this and I am actually shivering I'm so cold...) We've got a couple of houses that we've lined up to go look at, starting tomorrow.

Oh, I did have a rather fun--feel the sarcasm--week a little while back. I had known that my Aunt Keri had been sick and needed her gallbladder removed. Okay, that was the extent of my knowledge. So, one Sunday morning, we get a text from Laura saying that she was taking Mom into the emergency room at Helen Keller. I freak out, Preston and I head out there, and it turns out that she has another kidney stone. A big one too. But she's lucid, so she's not too bad off... not like last time. But they have to admit her, so Laura chooses to stay w/ us, which is not a problem. So, the next day, comes to find out, they are giving Mom a minor surgery/procedure to break up this apparently humongous kidney stone. After surgery, the doctor also informs us that she had had to have a stint put in to clear a blockage. Scary, but apparently not too serious.

Meanwhile, I come to find out that Aunt Keri had almost died from that gallstone. She did end up with an infection in her pancreas. She was in ICU in Helen Keller, and had been in the hospital for a month. She had gone to R'ville hospital at first to get treated, and they turned her away saying, "She just wanted the drugs." I hope that hosital gets it stuck to them bad.

So, later that evening, Preston, Laura, and I are returning from running a few errands and entery through the emergency entrance of the hospital to see my stepmother standing there on the phone. She motions vaguely and says, "You're father is in there." Well, I just think that she means that he's here visiting Aunt Keri. Nope, he'd been in a car wreck. Thankfully, I don't think it was anything worse than bumps, bruises, and an arm in a sling.

But, yeah, fun week. Then poor Asma got sick the other day. I'm glad she's all right.

And in between all this reality, I keep dreaming about possible outcomes for the Darkwing Duck comics... sheesh. This all led to a plotbunny for a fanfic that 3 separate people have told me they would love to read (the surprising two are my mother and sister).

Well, that's it for me. I'll be back when more excite rears its head.