Monday, March 30, 2009

Post-Spring Break...Blah

Okay, so I'm a tinesy, tiny bit behind in a couple of my classes. However, at least now I have a subject for my Lit. Crit. paper. One down, one to go. I still haven't finished my grammar test--but I'm a decent ways through it...sort of. I don't have a subject for my History and Historical Research Paper...but I have figured out what my prose reading selection will be for Oral Tradition. I'm going to read Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes short story, "The Adventure of the Speckled Band." My favorite Holmes story--not to mention the first piece of Holmesian lit. I was introduced to.

So, Spring Break was nothing but sleep, play with the cats, watch TV, do one fanfic chapter, get my taxes filled, and pretend to get some work done. Not much unless you list it like I just did. A Guild challenge is due tonight that I meant to finish over SB...didn't happen...I started it, just didn't finish it. Then tomorrow, I must work on my April Fool's challenge for the Guild...yikes.

By the way, anyone out there want a kitten? Free to a good home!

So, that's it for me...I'll be back to blog about something more interesting maybe tomorrow. Bye!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Baby Envy and Other Ranty Goodness

Okay, to start off with what's first on my title...Baby envy. I found myself consumed with it last weekend on the way to my house the Friday before my birthday. My mother was listing off all my relatives that are having babies. Then, I began to think of all the relatives that have had babies. All of a sudden, this animalistic growl escaped me and I muttered, "God, I can't stand it!" Preston gave me this bewildered look, and, to be honest, I felt a little bewildered myself. When he asked what the problem with the baby thing was (and he sounded a little panicked) I gave him some half-assed answer that I can't even remember now.

Now, here's the truth. I know I'm no where near ready enough to have a kid. I don't have the funds, my own house, a job that isn't Student Workstudy, or anything. But lately, I've found myself fantasizing about when it's my time to have a kid. About whether it'll be a girl or a boy first. What they'll look like. What they'll be like. How I'll decorate their nursery. The works! I want 4 kids total. To have them, and still be young enough to do the things that I want to with them (AKA be a DIY mom), I put myself at getting pregnant at 25. I'm currently 23. I thought that that would panic me, that I wouldn't feel ready at my set date, yadda, yadda, yadda. But to tell the truth...yeah, some days it still panics me...but now more often than doesn't. Not really. And when it panics me's for a whole other reason. So, I have baby envy. I want one for myself, once I have the means to care for it. I've come to really realize that now.

Now, onto another rant: my writing. God, can't someone just publish me? Can't I just finish something? The answers: No and Apparently not. I've been focusing a lot on my writing lately, accepting deep within myself that this is what I was meant to do for the rest of my life. This will be my career, come Hell or high water. I just need to keep working and get more serious about it.

Next rant. I've got so much to do and not enough time!

Well, I'll stop the ranting here. Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I Think I Just Ate Styrofoam...

Okay, I know I blogged like, just two minutes ago, but this was too funny! I'm sittig here, eating a pizza off a styrofoam plate. I'm sliding the pizza up to my mouth using the plate, because it's too hot to hold. Then, I heard my teeth crunch down on styrofoam. Now, I didn't actually ingest it, but...yeah...I bit the plate.

On another note, that's just passing through my head, I am aware now that several people--through the guild--can access my blog now. I don't know if any of them are reading it, but I just want to say that, regarding a certain past post of anger ranty goodness...that was only directed at one person. I'm not anti-gay (I don't really think I have a solid position on that to be honest)...I'm anti-that guy.

Well, hope the styrofoam gave people a laugh. Haha, until next time (which I promise won't be two minutes from now).

I'm Mad at Myself

Why am I mad? Because I'm being a brat, that's way. I'm mad at other people and things that I have no business being mad at. Worse, I feel bad for being mad for no reason. I snapped at my mom constantly through our telephone conversation when I had no reason to. In my head, I was mad at Preston for reasons that were stupid and...well, stupid covers it. I actually had NO reason to be mad at him or anyone.

I'm menstrual and it's showing. I really hate that because it produces this anger. It also produces a self-loathing because I'm aware that I have no reason to be angry at half the things I get angry about.

On a lighter note, Laura is trying out to be mascot for Belgreen. They sprang a surprise try out prelimanary on both her and the other girl trying out. The people didn't like the other girl because she didn't move enough in her freestyle. However, they oohed and awed over Laura, saying she looked like a puppy (our mascot is the bulldog, in case anyone forgot). Well, proud of you, Laura!

23 and Guess What's on My Brain...?

I turned 23 on Sunday (and had a fantastic b-day). And I blame a combination of myself and Slink (with a dash of Preston) for my current train of thought.

Weddings. I plan on my wedding to take place on the first on second weekend in November in 2010. That means, I've got to get on the ball! Slink started by reminding me that I must start my wedding book. I agreed. I now have a journal (the lovely gray one given to me by Savvy) dedicated to this task. Then, along with my b-day gift, she had found for a quarter the pocket edition of Weddings for Dummies. Now, I just ordered the bigger, full edition along with its companion that helps you further plan things out.

Weddings, weddings, weddings. That's all I can think about! Laura, Mom, Preston, and myself ended up looking at prom gowns and somehow, that led to wedding dress conversations. So much to think about...

I need to pick so many things out. And I've got a little over a year and no money (well, Preston says that his uncle and an aunt is giving us money...but...yeah...). I've got to get on the ball.

Any thoughts? Anyone?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Fingers to the Bone...Sort of...

Well, is working again. I've been keeping my promise to myself to keep my updates semi-regular (i.e. not two years apart!!).

Life is going pretty good. My grades are holding out at As or Bs (although I definitely see Cs in my future). And I've been pretty actively partcipating in the Guild of the Fantastic Quill Challenges.

I've got two completed original short stories that I'm going to post on fictionpress soon (tonight at best, tomorrow night at worst) that I look forward to hearing from everybody on! One of them was for my creative writing class last semester and the other was an essay assignment for my midterm in my Oral Tradition class.

I'm slowly working on my goal of having 100 fanfictions started by the end of this semester. I'm at 77. I have ideas for two one-shots (one chapter stories), and I've got at least one chapter length one I intend to start soon enough. And with the challenges being of both fanfiction and original fiction origin, I'll meet this goal, no prob!

Well, that's all for me. Feel a little tired right now (but I'm at work, that's normal!), so I'm going to go! See ya!

P.S. Sunday is my birthday! I turn a dreaded 23! I expect love and sweets (lol) to make me forget this!!