Okay, I know I blogged like, just two minutes ago, but this was too funny! I'm sittig here, eating a pizza off a styrofoam plate. I'm sliding the pizza up to my mouth using the plate, because it's too hot to hold. Then, I heard my teeth crunch down on styrofoam. Now, I didn't actually ingest it, but...yeah...I bit the plate.
On another note, that's just passing through my head, I am aware now that several people--through the guild--can access my blog now. I don't know if any of them are reading it, but I just want to say that, regarding a certain past post of anger ranty goodness...that was only directed at one person. I'm not anti-gay (I don't really think I have a solid position on that to be honest)...I'm anti-that guy.
Well, hope the styrofoam gave people a laugh. Haha, until next time (which I promise won't be two minutes from now).
I think I've ingested a lot of paper products that way...