Monday, August 8, 2011

Zuul, Motherf**ker, Zuul

The above line is a quote from The Nostalgia Critic, coming from several of his very hilarious reviews. Definitely give them a watch. I specifically recommend watching The Top 11 Dumbest Spiderman Moments, but most everything I've seen so far has me cracking up over something.

So, what else have I been up to? Well, a lot and a little, to be honest. I'm still going strong in the Twisting the Hellmouth August Fic-A-Day. I put up that chapter of The Funny Thing About Keys mentioned in a previous post, so now I'm due for a chapter of Trials. I just had one, possibly two, chapter fanfic ideas handed to me not thirty seconds ago. And I've still got three other chapter fanfics to start.

And that's not my Original Fiction...

I made a switch on one of my novella projects,which puts me 5k ahead on it--roughly--which lets me breathe a little easier. I've got a good, solid skeleton on which to add the muscle. And it's only got to go to 15k min. (20k, max). It's code named ChristianSciFi (Bam! I know, right? LOL). As for the other two novellas with solid deadlines--TWoC and AS--I'm about 3.5k into TWoC and 300-500 into AS. That first scene on TWoC is killing me. It just won't frickin' end. I'm convinced that if I could just get to that first little scene change mark, it would all just come flying out onto the page. Bam! 25k, there it is! *sigh* I just need to type a crap end to that scene and come back later. I have a bitch of a time turning off my inner editor. Where is that NaNoWriMo magic the rest of the year that isn't November? And those other projects? There all still there, looming over me.

But I'm wriing every day. Which is good, no matter what I'm producing. It keeps my brain working, coming up with fresh ideas. So, I'm going to leave off here with this: I'm writing, but it's not always one type or the other. And, also, here's some more of my fanart! The link to my deviantart profile is over there ------> in my links, so check it out.

Made for one of my August Fic-A-Day fics. I was really proud of what I did to get it this way.

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