Monday, September 5, 2011


See that number? Yeah, the one up there in the title? Know what that is? No? Well, I'll tell you. 55, 799 is the number of words--words--that I wrote total last month. And that's both in fanfiction and in original fiction. The banner up there? That's my nifty prize for doing 31 fanfics in 31 days.

Now, did I finish those two huge deadlines due at the beginning of this month? Um... no. However, if I can direct you attention over there ----> Those names and wordcounts are the novellas I'm still working on and where I stand on them. I'm still working on them with the full intention to finish them and sent them off. I have one other that I've signed on to finish, so when I come up w/ a title it'll be added over there.

In other news? Yeah, I'm still applying for 9 to 5s, working on finishing Trials and The Funny Thing about Keys (which is the one that's due to have a chapter uploaded... as soon as I write it, lol). I also need to be thinking about--not too heavily until October--about what I'm doing for NaNoWriMo. I have several novel projects--not to mention two other novellas I wish to work on. And I have a fanfiction sequel I've been promising for oh, about forever. At least a year, lol. So, yeah.

Now, before I go, there's just one other thing. I've entered a fiction contest that is totally reliant on public votes to win. I'd really appreciate it if anyone who reads this who might not have already voted for my story would vote. Or pass the word to others to vote. Click my story title for the link: "Piece of"

Thanks. Oh, and also, I finally did that blog about the pros and cons of having a writing buddy. You can find it both on my personal writing blog here or at the Guild of the Fantastic Quill's blog. I'd love to hear any thoughts on the subject. So, until next time!

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