366 Days of short fiction pieces of all different genres. One for every calender day of the year. How can you pass this up? My stories "Dragon Fruit" and "Gowns I Have Worn" appear here. It can be purchased from either Amazon.com (link on the right) or the Pill Hill Press website.
Daily Frights 2012
Like it's Daily Flash counterpart, it's 366 flash pieces of fiction. Only this time, it's all horror, all the time! My two pieces in this one are "And All Through the House" and "Sunday Dinner." Again, this can be purchased on Amazon.com (Link on the right) and the Pill Hill Press website.
Newly published, and featuring my story, "Tooth Jacked," is the lovely WTF?! Antho. But don't let the cover scare you, there's some fun times ahead in this one! Purchasable on Amazon.com (link on the right) as well as off the Pink Narcissus Press site.
My New Year's Resolution post is to follow. Feel free to check out these books and the others containing my stories. Feel free to comment and share your thoughts!
LOL--I just love WTF?'s cover! Great line-up ;)