This post isn't meant to be depressing or anything, lol. It was just that I was looking back over my blog at some things I talked about...and I had the thought, "Oh, yeah, that wasn't just a figment of my imagination." Here are some examples:
The Last Harry Potter Book-- There are times when I look up and think, despite myself, "When's the next HP book coming out?" Then I have to remind myself that that's done, over, fin. I miss HP, dearly, but I'm not one of those who's like "There should be a prequel!!" or something. I totally get why she stopped there. It's a perfect end that feels like an end...I just have to remember that it happened.
The Fact that I'm 23-- ...I don't like it...but it's real. But I wouldn't want to be a kid again, maybe just 21, okay?
College Graduation-- I know that two of my friends have already experienced, this is more of a question. Did you guys ever have to convince yourself that it's really happening? That you DON'T have a semester or something left?
Michael Jackson's Death-- Yeah, yeah. I'm sure everyone is sick of hearing me mention this, but one more time, huh? I just can't believe I didn't dream it feels...faraway, you know?
I'm Living with my Fiance-- I just feel all mature with this one.
That Buffy the Vampire Slayer has been off the air for six years-- *sniffle* Why? It was so good? At least we have the comics...
That Darkwing Duck is an 18-year-old cartoon-- Okay, really gonna cry here...makes me feel so old...and makes me lose even more faith in the cartoons of today...
That I'm getting married a little over a year from now-- This one just inspires a bit of panic...not at the prospect of being married, but at the prospect of paying to be married...
So, that's it for me...I'm sure there's more, but I think that's enough to go on. So, any of you guys got things that make you feel this way?
I just responded to this with my own post. I have to agree with all of these. I was listening to Smooth Criminal yesterday and had to remind myself that MJ was no longer with us. So don't feel bad. It's not too weird. Especially our poor Harry Potter. I think I might cry after the DVD to the last movie comes out. That'll be the official end mark :( I'm so sad.