Thursday, April 30, 2009

Purpose to Blog

Paticia's Work Status:
Lit. Crit Paper and Presentation: Done
Finals: Working on them.
Summer Jobs: 2

Now, before I continue with my blog, let me stop and do something for the Pub 2009 Challenge I am currently participating in. I've read my first Pub Book, Hideyuki Kikuchi's Vampire Hunter D: Volume 12 Pale Fallen Angels Parts 3 and 4. So, in honor of this book, here's my review for it.

Picking up where Parts 1 and 2 left off, D and his troupe finally make it to the city they've been seeking. Although D's contract is now fulfilled (and we all know D's all about the contract), his job is far from over. The Baron, the vampire noble that D was hired by, goes to face his father, while D sticks around to see how things turn out (not to mention, he's taken up on a contract by May, one of the girls that has been travelling with him). The Baron's vampire, the vampire lord Vlad who rules over the town, sends after D and the Baron with a whole new troupe of bad guys. Also, new allies are made as D and his group race to destroy Vlad once and for all. That is, unless the Destroy that is possessing the vampire Miska kills them all first.

So, I finished this book in like, two days. Loved it and I can't wait for volume 13, out this October!

Continuing on, I've been thinking about this blog, wondering what it is that I should blog about. Most people have a sort of theme for their blog...their personal lives, crafts, cooking...I've run across several. Now, although my life will continued to be blogged about in this place--since it is The Trishverse (i.e. Trish's 'Verse)--I think the purpose of this blog may come to serve something that I do often in real life and have done rarely here. I'll rant about my writing and my love of fandom! After all, those are two of the most important things in my life, following after my loved ones, that is.

So, my purpose to blog? Finally found it...and I'm surprised it's taken me this long. I'll be back later, possibly tonight, tomorrow, or Monday, with my first fandom blog!

Kidnapped by Alucard, D, and the Winchester Brothers in Order to Defeat True Evil,

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