Monday, January 26, 2009

Losing Respect for the Belmont Clan...

Yeah, Castlevania: Judgment will cause you to do that. I've lost some respect for the whole Belmont Clan. The two present in the game are such arrogant pricks. I mean, Trevor's all right...I mean, he's worlds better than Simon--see last post. But he's still egotistical. He's all "Ooo, look at me. Look at my powerful whip. I'm a Belmont. See? See? Look. Look. Know what that means? Means I'm powerful, yeah. People come to me for help in defeating Dracula. I rock." Pleh. I'm watching these two's storylines, and I find myself hoping a little bit to see their asses get kicked. I wonder if they're all like that? This is where fanfiction comes in handy.

Oh, and there's this scene in Trevor's storyline where he wants to fight Alucard at his full power to see if he can take him. Of course, the guy who posted these videos did so by what character he played through the game with, so Trevor's gonna win. But I couldn't help but say (aloud, sadly, to my computer) "No frickin' way you could take Alucard. He would SO kick your ass if this wasn't your storyline!"

Okay, sorry about another Judgment rant from me.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I Hate Simon Belmont

Okay, so the title says it all. I really, frickin' hate the Castlevania character of Simon Belmont. I found this guy on youtube that has all the storys for the Castlevania fighting game, Castlevania: Judgment. So far, I've watched Simon's story, Maria Renard's story, Shanoa's story, and Alucard's story. Maria's isn't as bad as I was led to believe. Shanoa's is boring if you're also playing Order of Eccelsia--which I am. Alucard's story is awesome...but his voice actor sucks. And then there was Simon...Simon, Simon, Simon. He is such an egotisical man-whore. I hate him so much.

Anyhow, so I thought that my wireless card for my laptop had died. I nearly had a heart attack, and thought I had to wipe my computer. But then, I did a system restore...and ta da! I was so frickin' happy!!!

Well, that's all from me!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Ecstasy in the Form of a Laptop

My pretty new computer came in today!! Whee! I'm so happy! It's got a DVD-RW multi-drive and a webcam...which is weird. The cam works when I'm online, but not if I'm not. It doesn't have a driver for it on the computer. Strange, huh? Slink says I'll just have to find some software I like. I agree. I might go do that here in a second and see if I can find some for free.

I also have Word 07!! Fun!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Feeling Somewhat Productive

Well, my money problems are over. My check was in the mail Friday. I even felt extra independent, because I walked to the bank by myself. I even felt more independent today because I walked to Fred's and Subway (the one off campus. Ours is closed on the weekend. Apparently, no one eats on Saturday and Sunday) today.

Good news, I killed the ants. Lol, let me explain for those who might not know. For some God-only-knows reason, Slink and I have an ant invasion on her side of the dorm. We have no food out that would attract ants--we've checked! So, using 99% of her Mark's body spray, Slink managed to stop them. That was, until this morning.

I woke up way earlier than I usually do on a Sat., probably why my eyes feel heavy right now. I get up, go the bathroom, climb back into bed, try to sleep, can't, get back up, and turn on the lights. There, en masse, are ants making there merry little ways all over the side of the wall, in a nice, neat little line. There were so many! Well, I can't live like that. I hate bugs. If I can't run from them, I have to kill them. Thus, my walk to Fred's, where I purchased garbage bags, bandages--cut my finger, have no idea how--and most importantly, bug spray. Those little suckers are dead! Mwah hahahaha!

So, I took out the trash, took a shower, ate my subway lunch, and posted this blog. I've still got a ton of stuff to read, but at least I'm getting some of it done. But now I'm paranoid that ants are going to come and get me.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Different Semester...Same Problems...Sort Of

So, I haven't got my loan check. Surprised? I'm not. Now, it's not going to be as long as it was last semester (I'm going to have it no later than Wednesday, I think), but this is ridiculous! I need my books! I had to use, like, half my paycheck to get like, three of them. Of like, 10 or more! All costing out the ass! This is ridiculous! If I was that loose with my money on books--and trust me, I love me some books--I would have bought the Special Editions of Harry Potter with the extra art in them instead of the regular old hardbacks. Jeez! Well, that's all from me!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Addition to '09 Pub Challenge

In addition, to Vampire Hunter D Volume 12: Pale Fallen Angels (not pictured), I'll be reading Charlaine Harris's next Sookie Stackhouse novel, Dead and Gone. I'm looking foward to it! Out in May!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Return from the Holidays + Near Death Experience

Okay, so, except for a very few holidays sucked. You've got to know me. Christmas is my thing. I decorate for it, I cook for it, I use the phrase "Christmas Spirit" like it's air; I even sing Christmas songs around the house, for crying out loud!

So, this Christmas holiday started out okay. Got a little bit of snow...which made the night beautiful (It was a full moon. I regret not taking a picture). I haven't seen snow even close to that in years. I loved it. Got my shopping finished. That's where it all went wrong. I ran out of money. Seriously, I had $0 in my account. I nearly had a panic attack (because I should not have run out) in the car. If it hadn't been for Mom and Preston, I would have had fees to pay for. And I might still. I have to check. If I do...I'm just screwed. More on that later.

So then, Christmas Eve shows up. The plans that Mom has made, she breaks. Our water pipes are busted and we aren't able to fix them until after Christmas, and one of our electrical breakers are busted. We open our gifts (my sister tactlessly counting that she has less than me). On Christmas Day, the day of our big meal, my mother has a stomach virus or food poisoning or something. This lasts until, like, the 27th or 28th. Oh, and did I forget to mention that I pulled a muscle in my back while decorating the house? Yeah, well, I did.

Preston fixes the water, Mom gets to feeling better, Dad gets the dirt on Laura, and everything is looking up. I go to New Years with my friends. My muscle injury (probably worse than a pull) starts to act up. Then, the muscles along my spine start seizing up and unseizing so suddenly and painfully that each time, it knocks the breath out of me.

So, finally, I get to return to my Fortress of Semi-Solitude. The dorm. Things are bloody fantastic! I love the dorm! And computer won't turn on. Won't even try to turn on. I have no f@$king computer. So, instead of waiting for Mom and Dad's income tax so they can help me buy I laptop...I have to fork out the funds all on my lonesome. I'm still asking for the money from them. I need it. Oh, and my battery charger died. So, no more AAA batteries for you, Mr. MP3 Player.

My back is still hurting like a bitch. And as for my near death experience? Kind of funny actually. Slinky asked me if I wanted to try a hazel nut. Since I had never really tried one before, I said yeah. Within seconds, my tongue started to itch and my throat felt weird. I could still breath but it felt like...I don't I had strep or something. She gave me an allergy pill and I'm feeling better. I've never had an allergic reaction like that before. Ah, to new experiences.

On plus sides, I got some fanfiction done. I've got to type it and post it. And I discovered that I love the show House! It's frickin' awesome!! Okay, that's all from me.

Grateful that the damn nut didn't kill me,
