Monday, October 27, 2008

Challenges, and Schoolwork, and Life...Oh my!

Okay, so NaNoWriMo is just around the corner. I need just a few more notes and a clean desk to start the appropriate time, of course. Also, I heard about this reading challenge that I think I'm going to participate in. More on that later.

Schoolwork wise...I've got to get a move on with my creative writing homework. Also, I have a US History I quiz on Thurs. (not worried about that), a Chaucer paper that needs a subject, and two linguists tests that need finishing.

And life...well...I'm worried about Xmas money. I'm worried about my grades this semester. I'm planning (might as well say) my wedding to take place probably on the first weekend of November in 2010. I've figured out that to have my 4 kids and have a year to just be married to Preston, I'd have to have my first kid by the time I'm 25. People, I'm 22. I turn 23 on March 8th. I could vomit a little. I also have to make sure Preston has an apartment before my fall semester next year so I can have a place to live. I also have to get my license this summer. Not to mention a car ASAP I can after I have my license. Let's see...what else is weighing on my mind...

I might have covered it all. On a lighter note, Ren Faire this year was a blast! Ran into a lot of friends. Slink, Savvy, Preston, and myself are thinking about putting up a booth next year. I think that sounds like a great idea. Getting the space shouldn't be a problem...I'm going to do masks, oils, and whatever else I can think of. I wonder if there is a place I can get a discount if I buy a bulk of masks? Hmmm...

I'm playing Order of Eccelsia, by the way, and it's freakin' awesome! And I'm reading my newest D book! Vampires, vampires, all around me! I could squee! Speaking of which, I need to watch some True Blood tonight (Eric!!!!!). As well as some Stargate (Rodney!!!!!!). Well, gotta go. I'm about to have to start closing the LRC. Yes, I'm at work again. I'm a bad bad girl. See you!

You Know You're an English Major When...Part I

Yes! Another list! So, this one's self-explanitory...

You Know You're an English Major When...

1) You can compare one of your friend's poems to Chaucer's Troilus and Creseyde (haha, Savvy)
2) You know what play--and who authored said play--that "Swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon" comes from.
3) You probably know what character spoke that line.
4) You critique almost everything you read by looking at the elements of the time that it was written in (i.e. when reading the original "The Little Mermaid" you find yourself saying, "Oh, this is so influenced by the religious beliefs of the time!"
5) You've become accustomed to picking out references to mythology in the works you read...without really even thinking about it.
6) You are floored when you hear that someone has never even read the Canterbury Tales
7) You are still floored when you meet someone who doesn't know anything about Ray Bradbury
8) If you are watching a movie based on a Shakespearean play, you often find yourself quoting lines along with the film.
9) You can act out the "thumb-biting" scene in Romeo and Juliet.
10) You find "Tartuff" hilarious.
11) You're favorite poet is long since dead.
12) You actually have a favorite poem you can quote lines from.
13) You know what the Romantics--in literary terms--focused their works around.

Just like the other list, I'm open to suggestions. Part II coming soon! For both lists!

Friday, October 24, 2008


I changed my time format...I'm testing it out...ignore this...

It's the Blogging that Never Ends...

Okay, that last blog was me playing around. I thought a list of that sort might be fun. So, for a serious update on me. I'm both at peace and freaking out. How can you be both of those, you might ask...Well, I'll tell you.

My friends are all getting ready to finish up college. I've got to stay one semester longer than them. Now, because of this, they've got me thinking about the future. Which has me scared shitless. I want to go for a MFA in Creative Writing...but what if I don't get in? I need to get married before that. Which means I need to have a decent job, and my husband-to-be would need a decent job as well. I would need to apply to UAB and move to Birmingham. And that's assuming I get in. And then, what if I have to enter as an undeclared to finish up some extra courses I needed but didn't take? AND I want to have 4 kids. That means I'd have to have them pretty soon. But then, I'd need money to take care of said kids. And then, in the immediate future, I have to submit 3 to 5 poems to Lights and Shadows (our student writing magazine) by Noon this Sunday. I feel like I'm taking part in an old western dual. Me vs. the poems. Noon Sunday, right in front of the computer screen. Be there or be yella-bellied.

On the "at peace" side, my Halloween party was a success. All my friends had fun. Which is what was important to me. Slinky asked me if I had fun at my own party. In truth, yes, I did. But that was because that, for all the anxiety it caused me, I loved setting it up. And all my friends had fun. That sealed the fun deal for me. And everyone loved my potato casserole. Couldn't be happier. Really. And now Ren Faire (haha) is this weekend. Followed by Halloween and NaNoWriMo. I can't wait!! Then, with my next paycheck, I can start Xmas shopping. All my friends know how I love that. Well, I'm gone. I'm at work. And I've already played on this internet too much. I'll post later. Bye!

You Know You're a Geek When...Part I

Everyone's got these lists, but I've decided to do one of my own. Now, these are in no particular order. Just as they come to me. And, it's "Part I" cause I'm sure I'll come back and add some later.

You Know You're a Geek When...

1. Someone calls you a geek and you thank them.
2. In turn, someone calls you a nerd and you correct them.
3. You refer to the local Renaissance Festival as "Ren Faire" cause it's shorter and sounds cool.
4. You attend said festival every year, without fail.
5. You dress up every year, without fail.
6. You have a particular video game whose music you can hear and know exactly where it was played in the game.
7. You can quote "Friends" and know exactly what episode the line came from.
8. You can name more than 1 vampire you absolutely love.
9. You can probably give all those vampires personal stats, if you wanted to: i.e. when they were born, when they were sired, how many slayers they've killed, etc.
10. You used the term "sire" when talking about characters becoming vampires.
11. You consider yourself "the" source on a certain fictional character(s).
12. You laugh at historical jokes because you honestly find them funny.

And there's more. We all know there are. I'm open for suggestions. See ya!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Anxiety Moments

So, it's a little less than a week until my Halloween Party. (It would have been exactly a week from 7pm tonight.) I'm in panic mode. I don't feel like I have enough done. I'm shopping for like, everything tomorrow. Food, the rest of the decorations, EVERYTHING! *sigh*

In good news, I have everything for my costume together. I just need to spray paint my hairclip (black, of course). I didn't order that dress. They didn't have it in my size. However, I'm using my black V-neck (a deep V) with a red petticoat (that I got from Amazon in great time; should really go leave some good feedback for those guys) underneath. I'm wearing long black gloves (which is a story I'm SO not getting into right now) with red bracelets on each wrist. I'll have a red feather in my hear, and I'm wearing my black leather boots. Savvy and Slinky are going to pin my dress up a bit in the back to show a little more of the petticoat. I've got my red fangs. I'm going as Saloon Girl/Owner vampire, by the way. As for girl, let's just say that I'm thanking God that I love Gothic looking stuff.

On top of this, I'm decorating my sister's mask. It's almost done. All I've got to do is add the little clear jewels under the eyes. She better appreciate the work. Savvy's doing her hair. She doesn't know this yet.

I'll be cooking/baking from the 16th onto the day of the party. I'll be decorating from the butt-crack of dawn on the 18th. Well, I've got to go. Lots to do. I haven't even mentioned my school work. *sigh* Bye-bye.