Isn't that the truth? I've got to put up at least three poems (well, two, at least, but I'm aiming for three) for my Creative Writing class. I think I'm putting up a revised version of my very first poem. I've got a 5-7 page paper due for History of Balkans and the exam the following week in that class is three identifies (a paragraph each) and an essay. I've got a quiz tomorrow in Chaucer. I've got to have poems critiqued for CW class by tomorrow. I've got a Linguists test I haven't finished yet (it's a take-home test). About the only class I'm not really worried about is American History I. So, how much of this have I got finished? Zlich. Nada. Nothing. The Big Zip.
Also, I've still got to print and send the invatiations to my Halloween Party, order my costume, finish shopping for the decorations, make a list of all the need ingrediants for the foodstuffs, shop for the foodstuffs, make the foodstuffs, make sure I get all the RSVPs in time, finish setting up the games, and I'm sure many more things. How much of this have I got finished? See answer above.
And I don't even want to get into my Xmas shopping. Nope. Not going there.
So, what am I going to do right this moment in time? I'll tell you. I'm going to take my happy ass over and post on Girls' Night Out, an RPG I'm playing on.
Speaking of that, there is this noob that has been posting....HORRIBLY INCORRECTLY on that RPG. He hasn't read the rules, he hasn't done what's been asked of him, hasn't even responded to my OOC comments directed towards him. People, I'm the Adminstrator of the forum that Girls Night is in. Yeah. He deliberate ingorned the admin. So I banned him. My fellow RPGers were so happy, they were making plans to back me up if he intended to start flaming me. They hated this kid just as much as I do. One RPGer actually printed out the OOC that I wrote that told him of his current banned status and duct taped it to my dorm door. It's still there. I'm proud of it. Now, I'm justing waiting for his response. Well, actually, I'm gonna go post. See you!
of for the love of being overwhelmed!! Haha I hope it smooths out for you trishie!! I haven't prepared in the least for your party and I am afraid all the costumes will be gone when my procrastinating butt gets up to get one lol! Oh and the word verification for this particular post made me laugh maybe it wll you too...cruvrrfy!! I think i will make it into a new slang word lol MWAHAH!! Love you bunches~Savvy