Saturday, September 27, 2008

Invitations Go Out on Monday!!

FINALLY I got everything sized and cut properly for my Halloween Party invitations! I printed off 20 and have used all but 3. I bought a book of stamps about 2 weeks ago, and I'm buying printable address labels tomorrow when I grocery shopping. I'm on a roll! Not to mention I finally got done the list of all the ingredients I'll need for the party. I'm getting there.

I still haven't ordered my dress. I need to know my size...and I'm not sure. I could go ahead and order the rest of it (it's one size fits all), but that'll cost me more in shipping when it all comes down to it. I'm going to try and stop by the mall tomorrow to see if I can skip shipping altogether on some of the stuff. I know what my outfit will look I need to figure out what my mask will look like. I should try to look up some masks on Google or something. And I need shoes. I own, like, 7 or 8 different boots, but I'm know sure if I want to wear any of them. Hmmm....decisions.

Well, I'm off. See you!

1 comment:

  1. Well thats good to hear!! I finally have my costume finished! I got my dress as I think I said in my last post. I have gauntlets, a mask, an awesome necklace, with earrings to match, but no idea what to do for shoes. I got my mask at claires as well as my other jewelry. Walmart has a makeup set with "fake piercings," vamp teeth and fake eyelashes. Oh and a choker necklace, but of course I already had all that stuff by the time I went to walmart. I am extremely excited! I have completely lost my train of thought so I will go but if I remember then I'm sure I'll let you know.


