Saturday, August 30, 2008

Follow-Up and Accidents

Following up on my last post, Edamerica has again bumped the disbursment date to Sept. 4. This is getting so ridiculous that even the director of our fianacial aid department emailed us, telling us this date. Even he sounded skeptical! Now, generally, I'm a kind person. Sept. 4 is the last straw. If I don't have money by Sept. 4, I'm changing lenders. Up yours, Edamerica!

Do you know that this is making local news? I didn't. Not until last night, anway.

Anyhow, on a much more positive note: my friends and family are so helpful right now. My mother deposited $50 into my account (money she's owes me, but I know she could really use) just because she thought it could help. I mentioned my fiance helping me with groceries, well, he's also getting me the ink I need now. And then, last night, I got a telephone call from my Dad telling me that I didn't have to worry about paying him back and that, if he could help, he would. I also mentioned my timesharing two books with two of my friends. Well, one of them had previously offered to loan me the cash for my books. I don't want to accept not knowing when I could pay her back. But, guys, all of you, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! All of you, even a few I haven't mentioned, because I know they would help if they could.

Now on a less positive note, but slightly funny one: My dad had an accident at work. My mom called and tell me about it. He lost two of his fingertips and they've got him at home for 4-6 weeks and drugged up. Now, nothing about that is funny, don't misunderstand me. I cried when I first heard about it. What the funny part is is that right before my mom told me exactly what his accident entailed (i.e. the lost fingertips), she said, and I quote, "He's all right. He's fine." Fine? Fine in my book does not constitute the lost of two fingertips, Mom! But I guess it could have been worse, so I'm just glad he's alive.

Well, that's it for now. I'm off to write. Channel my fury and relief into much needed prose and poetry! Tootles!


  1. Wow, hope you get your loan soon. And if there is anything I can do to help(even being so far away) cause I would do anything. And I am gald your dad is ok, sorry to hear though. Hope all is well...MUCH LOVE!!

  2. Awwwww! Trish! We'll all be there for you, always. Edamerica can suck it!!! Or they could...if we had an "it." Maybe an "it" is something that it isn't. . . Anyhow, off that subject. It's funny how moms can begin a subject sounding as if the Apocolypse is upon us when it concerns a rude cashier--but an injury gets put on the short list. Odd.
