Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Book Giveaway!

Just read a great synopsis for a book, and it's being given away! Check it out here:

Monday, July 25, 2011

Deviantart Question

Okay, so this one is actally two questions. The first one is, does anyone want me to upload the background that I'm currently using for this blog on deviantart? Or the one for my craft blog? Or how about this one at my fictional blog?

Or, if you want me to make you a background, let me know!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Spoiler Alert!

Okay, so I made this banner for the an upcoming chapter of my fanfiction The Funny Thing About Keys, a Batman: The Animated Series/Buffy the Vampire Slayer fic. I made this banner as I was uploading the most recent chapter... and then realized that it would be a spoiler for the next chapter. So, yeah... this is the second place--including photobucket--that this banner has appeared on. Unfortantely for the readers of Twisting the Hellmouth--where is the only place I can put banners inside chapters... I can only link to deviantart--I have plans to do the next chapter of another fic first. Not to mention three others... so yeah, it might be a bit before my readers see it. Well, here it is for you first!

Monday, July 18, 2011

A Huge Relief

So, I had the conversation I was dreading. I think some points were missed, but overall, it went well. I'm not going into detail because, honestly, it's a lot to catch up on. But, things are appearing to finally go my way.

Well, just a small update on the Trishverse. Meanwhile, it's back to writing!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I've Been Pimped, So... turn, I'm going to do some pimping of my own. You see, my best friend, non-blooded sister, and several other endearing terms that totally apply, has made the switch from using her website for her writings to her blog for her works. And she's decorated it all prettyful. Her name is AD Spencer--or Ariyana, unless she's switched that here on blogger.

Anyhow, she should definitely be checked out at her blog The Busy Procrastinator.

So what are you waiting for? Go now!


PS: If any of you are interested in a Castlevania fanfic of mine, click the image at the bottom of the blogger page to puruse my fanfics! (scroll all the way down past the posts)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Belated Happy Fourth!

Well, first off, direct your eyes to this post's title. I mean that, LOL. Secondly, I have to add that I was rather surprised. I actually had a lot of fun up at my family's for the fourth. Only two problems with two separate people, but otherwise, I was always talking with someone. Which is strange, considering that I was the one they used to tease at Christmas for just sitting in a corner, not saying a word.

On writing news--yes, I know, but it doesn't mean that it won't get mentioned--I just added a post to my writing blog, on my website... and I'm not sure it posted. It wasn't anything special. But I really hope it posted. I'm trying to get back in the habit--on both of them--of blogging regularly.

So, here's to getting back into the swing of things.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Okay, You Know What...

I think I'm going to scrap the "this is my writing blog" idea and just attach that to my website. This blog will remain personal. And right now, I am in the desperate need of a rant.

There's this girl. She's the significant other of a friend of my significant other. Okay... this may seem harsh but... I really fucking hate this annoying bitch. Sorry. That wouldn't have been so vulgar if it had not been for the second real impression I just got from this person. Let me flash back to to my first real impression.

I had already met her once or twice for a moment apiece, but I hadn't really gotten to speak with her. She happened to be in the same car as me as my sister told me she was pregnant. Then, at a later date, when they were in the car with my mother and I, she was evasdropping on a rather private conversation between the two of us. Okay, so yeah, we all tend to do that in confined spaces. But then this idiot interrupts us with, "Uh, I just wanna ask. What are ya'll gonna do with the baby?"

WTF? Who the hell is she to ask this? I mean, really, how freakin' rude. And then, there was two minutes ago.

She and the friend show up where I'm staying. She's here, literally, a minute and she looks over to Preston and me and says, "Um, what are you guys doing here?" Like it's her fuckin' house? And then Preston explains the situation, she's like, "Oooh, hoppin' around."

Bitch. I totally think it's destiny for me to go off on her in the future. I don't know why, but I feel it. I mean, she obviously has issues with business, namely her own. And I just stopped typing for a minute to discuss with our host and Preston about how annoying that was. Preston saw the anger in my eyes. And I said to him, "One day... I'm gonna be in a bad mood." Preston nodded knowing.

God, and I honestly am addressing this God, thank you so much for my patience.

How will round 2--now unknown--with his girl go? Acidic sarcasm will be the inital strike, I think... unless it's been one of those days.

Off subject, before I end this, the link to my website--writing blog to come--is