Or rather, overflowing. I'm not sure where to start. How about the non-writing stuff for a change?

Non-Writing Stuff
Okay, so I'm still trying to get an apartment. To do that, I need my birth certificate. Hopefully I'll get a text from my sister at any moment, announcing that she's found it. At least, that way, I don't have to pay to get it and go through that whole mess. I think I'll also get a State Issued ID until I get an opportunity to get my license. It seems a bit easier that way. Also, although I do plan to have a ceremony when I can afford it--dress, flowers, the whole shebang--my fiance and I will be getting married as soon as we can afford it in a civil ceremony at the courthouse. That way, we can qualify for a bit more of the help that we need.
Oh, also, I totally have a job! I start this Sunday--if I understood that right--at Godiva Chocolatier. Godiva! Of all the 9-5s I could have gotten, I'm so happy that it was that one! I can't wait to be making a steady paycheck again. I miss it, seriously. As much as I love writing, that steady paycheck is just so nice.
Writing-Related Stuff
(The Twisted Library)
A sad bit of news here. I had three stories accepted and waiting for print (+2 I was waiting to hear from), and the Library has recently had to drop just about all of their anthologies. It was just costing the owner too much in this crappy economy. While understandable, that leaves me with 5 stories to search for new homes for. However, the Library will continue publish novels (+3, if I remember, of their anthos that were planned for print). If you want to support them, check out the forum here to see how to go about buying one of their ridiculously awesome novels!
I recently posted chapter 19 (titled "Between the Devil and the Deep Crimson Sea) up on fanfiction.net! After that, the count of chapters left to write and post, including the epilogue, is 7. Just 7! The end is near, folks! And I've got 122 reviews on it, and it'll end up being way longer (word count) than Untested was. Now if I could translate this power I have for this story into some of my novels or other fanfics. Anyhoo, the sequel to Trials will be call Tribulation, so there's something to chew on while you wait for chapter 20!
Have I outlined? Nope. I actually negative outlined. Do I need to? Like you wouldn't believe! I need to get to 50 next month--while writing and working and doing holiday stuff and moving--and I have no plan past chapter one. Actually, I need this novel to end up being about 80k when it's finish. So, yeah. Oh, and speaking of that...
So I added about 1500 or so words to Aftershock the other day. Yay moment, right? Yeah, I should have added it to Winds of Change. That's the one that's got an honest to God deadline. Something else I need to be working on. And another one that I only have a vague outline for. Not to mention the slew of other novellas I have planned that I haven't even started!
(50 States of SPN)
I've got a vague outline--no title--for my fic set in Alaska. I have a really good idea of what I want to happen in it and how I want it to happen. But for the one in Alabama? I've got a vague outline of the beginning. Have no idea how I'm ending this. I need to do more research for both, really, but mostly for the Alabama one. Of which I have no title for. Yeah. Posting for this begins Dec. 1st. Yikes, right?
(Wishlist 2011)
I have all 12 of my prompts! I'll be doing a post on my LiveJournal account of the complete list. They'll be in order I got them (not necessarily the order I'll do them in). Posting starts for that on Dec. 1st as well. I have a couple of those I have to research for, but only a couple. I'm sort of working on one of them now, since it's a character I've never written for before (did this to myself).
(SPN Crossover Big Bang)
What's a big bang? Well, as it was explained to me, it's where a fanartist and a fanficcer meet up. The fanficcer writes a story (in this case, a crossover and a long one), and the artist does fanart for that story. There is a sign up period (Jan 11th-Feb 25th) and several checkpoints. Posting of the fanfic--which is beta-read beforehand--doesn't begin until June. By then, the writer has written the complete fic, and the artist has done the art for it. Now, the big question is, am I doing this? Well, to be honest, I'm considering it. What Supernatural Crossover will I be doing? That's part of the consideration. I either have to come up with one, or stretch the one I have in my mind into a chapter-length fic. Of course, with the stretching idea comes the fact that I need to complete a particular sequel fic first. And I could do that. I could. I could work on both and post only the sequel fic. Then, ideally, it'll be done by June, in which I could post the Big Bang fic. But that's crazy, right? I just don't know. I'd really like some imput on that one.
And I think that's everything. I mean, I have a few other things going on that I need to do (flyers and craigslist related, oddly enough). Well, until then, here's my NaNo calender.