So, I get home from seeing The Last Airbender, which was great... and my Dad is on messenger. He's asking me about the wording on my invitations because I "wasn't real clear in my email."
You see, the question he asked me was if he could order them w/ his and Mom's names on them as hosting the wedding. Well, for various reasons, I don't want it that way.
So, giving him all the reasons but the main one, I tell him "No." Rather politely, too, might I add. He replies, and I can feel the snark through the messenger, "okay, but I was hoping me and your Mom could get on it, but if that's what you want, that's what you'll get." I, with all my frustration pent up through the week--see previous post--just burst out in angry tears. I sign out of chat, ranting about how stupid this all is. Finally, I just sign back in and end the conversation. I intend to talk with Mom about it his Sunday when I go up for the 4th.
But, right now, I'm going to bed. Hopefully, the internet will still be up in the morning.
The Rantings and Ramblings on the World of a Writer known as...NegaTrish...or Darth Trish...or just Trish
Friday, July 2, 2010
I'm Not Dead, Stupid Girls, and Other Pink Songs
So, yeah... I know it's been like a month since I've blogged... or done anything other than post on facebook and submit stories to publishers... but let's play some catch-up, shall we?
Just finished a month of UB... I'll get to this in a moment. First, it has been confirmed that my cousin Amanda is doing my wedding cake. Hurrah! We're discussing it Sunday at the fireworks up at my grandparents' house. Oh, and it apparently peeves my Dad off that I have MY wedding invitations reading that the couple is hosting rather than the parents. Uh... the rule on this is whoever is paying for the wedding is hosting... true that he is buying the invites and the cake, but Preston and I are having to do everything else. This, however, is not what I told him. I told him--with Slink's help in wording this in what I thought was a very tactful way--that since Preston and I are having a non-traditional type of wedding, that we're going with non-traditional type of wording on the invites. Apparenly, Dad had a fit about this to Mom... why he didn't quite express this "fit"--my sister's wording--to me, I'll never know. And apparently Debbie was like, "They're wedding isn't all that non-traditional. If you want non-traditional, that would have been me and Bob's wedding." God bless Laura, because she told me that her thought immediately after hearing this was, "Trish's isn't non-traditional? Have you HEARD some of her plans?"
It's a scary world when LAURA is the one in the family paying attention.
But, whatever. So long as I get my invites, I don't care. But... I don't relish the moment when I have to tell him that he and Mom aren't giving me away...
So, anyway, writing... my fanfiction writing has been nill thanks to the 9 or 10 deadlines I lined up to meet--and DID meet, go me--in June. So far, I've been rejected by all the ones I've heard back from. But I haven't heard back from all, so fingers crossed. I have a deadline due in the 13th of this month, so I want to slip in some fanfic chapters while I work on this. Plus, I've decided that if it's a fanfic I want to write, I'll write it. I mean, I'm not going to worry about just putting up a single chapter and taking forever to get back to it. If it takes me a while, it takes me a while. I 'll get back to it in my own time. (Re: how Trish ends up with 200 fanfics, LOL).
Still on the search for a regular job, but there's a couple of new stores opening, plus several other random little places that are hiring. So, there's hope.
Just paid my first loan payment today... that feeling sucks.
And, now on to UB. This year was... different. Overall, every kid in the program was a good kid... but there were a few that always liked to give us trouble. Like this one girl, for example. All was going well--except for the constant repetition of the rules by not only Slink and I but also by Mrs. Freeman, because apparently all these kids needed hearing aids or listening comprehension classes--until the final night. On the final night, we had a swarm of kids asking to stay outside the dorms until midnight... we said no. They complained and questioned us--which is also what we got everytime we would ask them to obey the rules... some being more rude than others. Well, to the group that was complaining at the time, Slink and I calmly explained our reasoning. They understood, eventually. We then told them that they can stay up until 11:30 inside the dorms, letting those who wanted to study to do so. All was fine, or so we thought.
I discover soapy type wet spot on Slink's pillow. She is not happy. She goes around, questioning everyone who so much as giggles--because we had no clue who had done it, and this is after we had put them to bed. With no answers, Slink leaves and I turn on the lights. Moments later, she returns, telling me she's not done with the kids. Turns out they had filled--filled--the inside of her pillowcase w/ shaving cream. She yells. Both of us, again after no one comes forward--and we're giving the culprit an opportunity to step forward so this can go smoother--turn out the lights. Then, as we are in our room, a horrible thought hits me... why do this to only one RA? I look up and my pillowsham has the same shaving cream all over it, and because it was a sham and not a case, they had used my comforter to cover it. This was my only pillow, and for all they knew, my only cover. This, after a whole month of rudeness, was the straw that broke the camel's back.
Oh, before I forget, in between us leaving and the discovery of my pillow, a couple of students and come to us and said they had witnessed who did this.
Back to the story, I lose it. I have a bad temper, as all reading this know. So I try not to be the one to repremand them unless I've really thought about what I'm going to say. But, I just grab my pillow--getting shaving cream all over my hands and one leg of my pajama bottoms--and march in, throwing back on the lights.
Now, I didn't swear and I didn't throw anything--two things I'm prone to do when I'm angry--but they all knew I was mad. They all knew Slink was mad. Well, we're back at the back-left corner, because that's where our suspect--the one that had been pointed out--slept. The corner gets mad because we seem to be accusing only them--not true, as Slink had questioned Morgan earlier. We're still giving them an opportunity to step forward, until finally we have to say that we know who it was. Then, Ariyana, politely, asks the culprit to get out of bed so that we can go into the other room and talk. She won't do it. 3 or 4 times Slink asks, until she finally says, "We'll have to call Mrs. Freeman down. I'll start dialing." Then, this girl makes perhaps the stupidest move of all... she shouts across the room, "You're only picking on us because we're black."
This pissed us off more than anything because Ariyana had gone out of her way to help the same girl who shouts this this very same day. So, after she denies that she's done this, we send her back to bed and decide that we'll call Mrs. Freeman and explain to her what's happen but not ask her to come down.
The next morning, Mrs. Freeman threatens the end-of-the-year trip unless someone comes forward. Well, she got multiple texts... all w/ the same name. Mrs. Freeman talks to us, saying our only mistake was letting them stay up pass curfew and not setting the alarm, but assures us that something would be done about all of it. Because not only had the shaving cream and the shouting of "because we're black" happened, they had also gotten into someone else's stuff and used their brand new shaving cream--a girl who had been asleep all night... we'd seen her.
Needless to say, the culprit, though pleading innocence the whole time, I believe was kicked out of UB. Some might think that she might be innocent due to the coolness to her claim... but Slink and I had witness a lie from her earlier that same week about eating a taco that wasn't hers (don't ask...).
Then, as Katelyn, Ariyana, and I are cleaning out the girls' room after everyone has left... we find, hidden in the bottom of a variety chip bag, an unopened cigar. *Rolls eyes* The bag had no name on it, so I'm not sure if there was anything to be done about this. We still have the trip ahead, so who knows.
Crazy month. And that's all that I've been up to. I haven't even had time to reply to Savvy's blog... which I've been meaning to. *will go do this now* Until next time!
Just finished a month of UB... I'll get to this in a moment. First, it has been confirmed that my cousin Amanda is doing my wedding cake. Hurrah! We're discussing it Sunday at the fireworks up at my grandparents' house. Oh, and it apparently peeves my Dad off that I have MY wedding invitations reading that the couple is hosting rather than the parents. Uh... the rule on this is whoever is paying for the wedding is hosting... true that he is buying the invites and the cake, but Preston and I are having to do everything else. This, however, is not what I told him. I told him--with Slink's help in wording this in what I thought was a very tactful way--that since Preston and I are having a non-traditional type of wedding, that we're going with non-traditional type of wording on the invites. Apparenly, Dad had a fit about this to Mom... why he didn't quite express this "fit"--my sister's wording--to me, I'll never know. And apparently Debbie was like, "They're wedding isn't all that non-traditional. If you want non-traditional, that would have been me and Bob's wedding." God bless Laura, because she told me that her thought immediately after hearing this was, "Trish's isn't non-traditional? Have you HEARD some of her plans?"
It's a scary world when LAURA is the one in the family paying attention.
But, whatever. So long as I get my invites, I don't care. But... I don't relish the moment when I have to tell him that he and Mom aren't giving me away...
So, anyway, writing... my fanfiction writing has been nill thanks to the 9 or 10 deadlines I lined up to meet--and DID meet, go me--in June. So far, I've been rejected by all the ones I've heard back from. But I haven't heard back from all, so fingers crossed. I have a deadline due in the 13th of this month, so I want to slip in some fanfic chapters while I work on this. Plus, I've decided that if it's a fanfic I want to write, I'll write it. I mean, I'm not going to worry about just putting up a single chapter and taking forever to get back to it. If it takes me a while, it takes me a while. I 'll get back to it in my own time. (Re: how Trish ends up with 200 fanfics, LOL).
Still on the search for a regular job, but there's a couple of new stores opening, plus several other random little places that are hiring. So, there's hope.
Just paid my first loan payment today... that feeling sucks.
And, now on to UB. This year was... different. Overall, every kid in the program was a good kid... but there were a few that always liked to give us trouble. Like this one girl, for example. All was going well--except for the constant repetition of the rules by not only Slink and I but also by Mrs. Freeman, because apparently all these kids needed hearing aids or listening comprehension classes--until the final night. On the final night, we had a swarm of kids asking to stay outside the dorms until midnight... we said no. They complained and questioned us--which is also what we got everytime we would ask them to obey the rules... some being more rude than others. Well, to the group that was complaining at the time, Slink and I calmly explained our reasoning. They understood, eventually. We then told them that they can stay up until 11:30 inside the dorms, letting those who wanted to study to do so. All was fine, or so we thought.
I discover soapy type wet spot on Slink's pillow. She is not happy. She goes around, questioning everyone who so much as giggles--because we had no clue who had done it, and this is after we had put them to bed. With no answers, Slink leaves and I turn on the lights. Moments later, she returns, telling me she's not done with the kids. Turns out they had filled--filled--the inside of her pillowcase w/ shaving cream. She yells. Both of us, again after no one comes forward--and we're giving the culprit an opportunity to step forward so this can go smoother--turn out the lights. Then, as we are in our room, a horrible thought hits me... why do this to only one RA? I look up and my pillowsham has the same shaving cream all over it, and because it was a sham and not a case, they had used my comforter to cover it. This was my only pillow, and for all they knew, my only cover. This, after a whole month of rudeness, was the straw that broke the camel's back.
Oh, before I forget, in between us leaving and the discovery of my pillow, a couple of students and come to us and said they had witnessed who did this.
Back to the story, I lose it. I have a bad temper, as all reading this know. So I try not to be the one to repremand them unless I've really thought about what I'm going to say. But, I just grab my pillow--getting shaving cream all over my hands and one leg of my pajama bottoms--and march in, throwing back on the lights.
Now, I didn't swear and I didn't throw anything--two things I'm prone to do when I'm angry--but they all knew I was mad. They all knew Slink was mad. Well, we're back at the back-left corner, because that's where our suspect--the one that had been pointed out--slept. The corner gets mad because we seem to be accusing only them--not true, as Slink had questioned Morgan earlier. We're still giving them an opportunity to step forward, until finally we have to say that we know who it was. Then, Ariyana, politely, asks the culprit to get out of bed so that we can go into the other room and talk. She won't do it. 3 or 4 times Slink asks, until she finally says, "We'll have to call Mrs. Freeman down. I'll start dialing." Then, this girl makes perhaps the stupidest move of all... she shouts across the room, "You're only picking on us because we're black."
This pissed us off more than anything because Ariyana had gone out of her way to help the same girl who shouts this this very same day. So, after she denies that she's done this, we send her back to bed and decide that we'll call Mrs. Freeman and explain to her what's happen but not ask her to come down.
The next morning, Mrs. Freeman threatens the end-of-the-year trip unless someone comes forward. Well, she got multiple texts... all w/ the same name. Mrs. Freeman talks to us, saying our only mistake was letting them stay up pass curfew and not setting the alarm, but assures us that something would be done about all of it. Because not only had the shaving cream and the shouting of "because we're black" happened, they had also gotten into someone else's stuff and used their brand new shaving cream--a girl who had been asleep all night... we'd seen her.
Needless to say, the culprit, though pleading innocence the whole time, I believe was kicked out of UB. Some might think that she might be innocent due to the coolness to her claim... but Slink and I had witness a lie from her earlier that same week about eating a taco that wasn't hers (don't ask...).
Then, as Katelyn, Ariyana, and I are cleaning out the girls' room after everyone has left... we find, hidden in the bottom of a variety chip bag, an unopened cigar. *Rolls eyes* The bag had no name on it, so I'm not sure if there was anything to be done about this. We still have the trip ahead, so who knows.
Crazy month. And that's all that I've been up to. I haven't even had time to reply to Savvy's blog... which I've been meaning to. *will go do this now* Until next time!
my month,
shaving cream,
Upward Bound,
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