Friday, February 13, 2009

A Reason to Blog...Return of the Ex

You know, I've been looking for one. Things have been going pretty good for me. I'm really back into a writing swing. And I'm loving it! I'm working hard on some Guild challenges...trying to keep my quill inked, as it were. So, there really hasn't been much to blog about. Work's fine, school is going okay...

And then he called. Savvy's ex...the bane of all our existances. He calls tonight, all weepy and sad. He says that it really "hurt him" that we won't answer. That he still wants to be friends. That he's sorry if it's "Savannah that's coming between us." I almost answered. Ariyana almost had to grip my arm. We ranted for an hour.

That selfish bastard. He hurts? How about us? What he's said behind my back, Slink's back? Kimmi's back? Behind Savvy's...not to mention what he said to her face! This little butt-sexed weasel thinks that he can whine and it's all going to be okay. Thinks he's the victim! Lord help him the next time he decides to pull that shit! I'll rip him a new one! I'll call him things that'll make a sailor blush!

I wish he would just fade away. Why can't he take a hint? Slink and I are trying to be nice and just let him fade out of our lives. However, he just keeps crawling back. We're about to have to take a knife and cut the cord. The bastard...he hurts? Really? He doesn't know hurt. He insults me. He insults, more importantly, my friends...and he's sorry? He can go fuck himself with a stick for all I care. The heartless bastard doesn't deserve friends, and I don't think he'll ever have a true friend. And in that, I pity him.

Go to hell, you bastard. Don't call our dorm again...if you know what's good for you.


  1. Stalker is right. You'd think he was our ex.

    You would think he would take a hint. But he can't. He actually can't. See selfish people think the world revolves around them. So, with that reasoning, everything involves them. Mere humans can't simply let gods among them fade away...Grrr.

    Ticks me off, is what it does. And we shouldn't have to tell him that. He should know what he did. Maybe we just let him get away with it for too long, pretending like it didn't bother us as much as it did.

    Let him cry. He's got something worth crying over. He missed out on us. We're a hell of a crowd of girls not worth missing, is what we are. He doesn't know how badly he screwed up this time around. It's more than sleeping with a drunken, married friend. It's a trust thing.

    You go, Trish. Rant on.

  2. HellZ yeah rant on!! He does deserve it....He is a definite loserface and my blood still boils when I think of him
