Sunday, January 1, 2012

Resolution 2012

Imagine that blog title, for a moment, in a deep movie announcer voice. *laughs* Sorry, couldn't help myself.

All right, so here it is. I've thought for the past week on this little list of resolutions for this year. Yes, I said, "list." I always give myself more than one resolution. I just love lists. More than one person probably should. Without further ado, the switch--ah, I mean, list (lame Darkwing Duck joke, sorry. For this one, see episode "Just Us Justice Ducks):

Writing Resolutions

Because these are the most plentiful of my resolutions, I thought I'd start off with them. We'll start with original fiction.

  • I hereby resolve myself to finish one novel this year. That means written, and in a state where I feel okay with sending it off to a publisher (because nobody ever feels great when they send it off, I think).

  • I also resolve to finish one novella. Same conditions as the novel.

  • Borrowing a leaf, once again, from AD Spencer's book, I also resolve to write at least 12 new short stories. More is better, but 12 is minimum.

Now, for the fanfiction:

  • I resolve to have the follow chaptered fanfictions finish within this year: Trials, All for Naught, Force of a Slayer, The Funny Thing About Keys, and Youth and Innocence. Lost list? You have no idea....

  • I also resolve to begin the following chaptered fanfictions this year: How to Save a Dhampire, Family, Devil You Don't Know, and Tribulations.

  • I also resolve to finish the Wishlist 2011 Challenge well before the Oct. 15, 2012 deadline--I'm hoping for a Late Feb.-Early March finish at the very latest.

  • I resolve to finish all challenges entered this year.


These were way harder for me to pin down, and much more vague. I really struggled with these. After all, if you're going to put as much thought as all of this *points to blog post* into a New Year's resolution(s), then it is obviously something you take very seriously. Whether you spend most the year thinking, "Huh, I just completed my resolution!" or not, these are still things that will be there in your mind. You just might not call them "resolutions" by December. Anyway, here's my personal resolutions:

  • I want to get married. I have been trying and try for the past three years to get married to my fiance. I'm skipping the ceremony--until I can afford it--and going with the courthouse. This will get done this year.

  • Watch what I eat. Not a full on diet, but I'm aware that this will be my 26th year on this planet and that means the beginning of a lot of things. I'm older. I need to start taking care of myself a little bit more. I need to cut back on *gulp* a lot of my favorite foods... cheese comes to mind. I need as much time as possible if I'm going to write all those novels I have planned.

  • Secure myself. I was uprooted and stayed that way throughout 2011. I'm sick of it. I want to hunker down somewhere and just stay there until I'm good and ready to move.

And actually... that's it. Yeah, I say that like that's not a substantial list or something. Yeah. But those are my plans for 2012. Think I can do it? Look, I'll be honest... I'm not sure myself. But that's not going to stop me from trying! Have a happy 2012!