Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Count..and No, Not the Fangy One

Number of Papers Done= 1 of 1 left
Number of Finals Done= 4 of 5
Number of Chapters Done= 2 of a total of 10 (rules applying, of course)
Number of Days Left in the LRC= 2
Number of Days Until Graduation= 3
Amount of Xmas Decorating Done= None :( *intense saddness*)
Amount of Xmas Shopping Still to be Done= A fair amount...
Number of Hours of Sleep Today= 2 1/2
Number of Hours Left in the LRC Tonight= 4
Number of Tassels Bought for Graduation to Please Everyone= 2, plus the one that came with the set (sad, no?)

Well, just a small update.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Loving a Much Improved Mood

So, I am loving life right about now! I finished watching Alice last night on Syfy (which was awesome, by the way...not as epic seeming as Tin Man, but the fangirl in me loved the ending better). After which, I wrote the first half of the next chapter of All Fall Down...I'm hoping to finish that and get it out tonight. I keep getting random reviews for Untested and its sequel, which brings me new readers, which brings me more reviews, with equal please the review whore inside of me.

All but one major project/paper is done...and I find myself not giving a rat's ass about the last paper I have to do. I'm positive all of my groups members rated me well on my group project, which is a big load off my shoulders. I was terrified, absolutely horrified, that I might have flunked my History of England to 1688 paper...it was one of those situations where, after I turned it in, I was like, "What did I write? What was my point? Did it make sense? Did I even remember to put my name on it?" Also, I was one source short of the required number of sources. I was positive that a C was the closest I could get to passing this one....frickin' A minus, all the way!! I nearly did a dance right there in class (the Peanut Butter Jelly Time dance, as this is now my official celebratory dance...Thriller's too complicated and Time Warp requires too much space). I was all smiles when I went into my next class, and I'm still smiling. I have only one more day of regular class left...which means I'm 10 days away from graduating....10!!! And here I thought I wasn't going to make it...

Oh, the pic included in this blog is some recent fanart I've done with the program GIMP...it's for Untested (which, of my fanfics, seems to be ruling my world right now...and my email). I did use Aly as a model (in fanart only, not in the story) for my main OC, Adriana (Ria) Smith. The reason I included the pic is just because I'm so damn proud of it. It's easily my favorite of the several I've done so far.

I just zoned, realizing I haven't uploaded my Forever Knight/Buffy the Vampire Slayer art to my fanart on Twisting the Hellmouth...hmm, this shall have to be rectified.

In other notes, today...the one day I don't bring an umbrella with me...it's pouring.

Also, I miss my Slinky and Savvy and Hill-Hill! I felt like I haven't heard from them in forever! I missed Savvy's call and was unable to return it (see above assignments), Slink's been under the weather last I heard, and I'm sure Hill's been busy with end of term stuff. I see Kimmi all the time at work and school, which is a plus. I also miss the RPGs...but we've all been so busy! Damn you, life! Haha.

I also haven't decorated for Xmas yet...still have to get a tree. This better happen soon, otherwise I'm not going to be as happy as I am now.

But, that's it from me. Merry Xmas, happy end of semester, and bye-bye!!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

I Hate Today

Okay, so today has sucked ass. Let me tell you why.

I was so freakin' stupid. I knew, knew, that I had to get up early and go to Collier Library this morning to finish off my movie project. I knew it. So what did I do? No, I didn't stay up late...I just didn't sleep. I was up, literally, all night. I got a second wind about 4am, and just didn't sleep. And the only thing I got accomplished during this time was the next chapter of Trials (which was uber chapter, so I'm okay with this).

Well, because of my lack of sleep and all the stress of trying to get last minute assignments done, I was totally emotional today. I mean, I would cry at the drop of a hat. I had like seven different fights with Preston, all stupid and pointless, and...well, I've already said it, I cried like all day. I just felt like everything kept going wrong. I was too stupid to sleep. I showed up, freezing cold, on campus and hour before anything opened, I spilled a milkshake all over me, and my stupid computer can't reach my school's email because my version of Internet Explorer is too new. How retarded is that? Oh, and anyone remember the story from last year's Xmas where I pulled a muscle decorating? Yeah, somehow, I've pulled that same muscle again and it has been hurting all day.

However, things are better. Preston, in efforts to keep me at home and make me feel better, downloaded an older version of Firefox, whice allows me to actually access the stuff that I need. I was so happy to not have to go back to Collier. I finally went to sleep (in fact, at this moment, I've only been up for a little over fifteen minutes). And I had a bunch of reviews and a blog update from Savvy in my email that really cheered me up! So, things are looking up.

No, I'm not done with the movie project. But, you know what, it's the weekend! I'll get it done, and I'll get it done soon. My group (a whole different set of grievances here) can bite me.

So, feeling better after some sleep,

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Readjusting to the Sun AKA Post Nano

Okay, so I didn't make it, again, this year in NaNo. But I'm not bummed out by this like I usually am. Instead, I made it the furthest I had ever made it before...if I exclude the fanfic chapters I added towards the end (knowing that there was no way I could squeeze out the amount of words needed for me to win with one day to go) I made it to a little over 23k. Usually, I'm lucky if I top 10k or 12k. Much improved! I might have even finished this year, if it had not been for Thanksgiving and stuff being due all in the same bloody week. It was like I woke up that Monday and was like, "Oh...everything, huh?" But, I'm going to try again next year. I know, I know...I'm getting married next year. Well, I'm still doing NaNo. It's very important to me that I actually finish it at least once...especially since I know I'm capable of writing over 50k (my fanfic, Untested, topped out at a little over 72k...so, yeah).

Anyhow, moving on. There's only four more total days of regular class left. I could do the Peanut Butter Jelly Time dance right here in the middle of the LRC. I'm so ready to leave and be done. Of course, there's this crippling fear of unemployment plaguing me...

I'm also trying to get my writing on schedule, whilst also handling what I've got left to do for Xmas. I'm so sacrificing sleep tonight to get out a chapter or two of something. (Wow...I just zoned right here in the middle of this thing to play with the scanner thing to check out books...). Back on track, I'm looking to finish All Fall Down soon...within next week, actually. I have a paper and a project to complete this weekend...Lord knows about another paper that was assigned and yet not. I'm sure I flunked the paper I turned in before Thanksgiving...but I should be fine if I do well on the final.

As for Xmas, I've got to finish shopping for Mom, Preston, Laura, and Savvy...I know what I'm getting each one of these people, just gotta get paid to get it. I'm looking to get Mom like three other things...(I only know what two of them will be)...I've already gotten her one thing. I've also gotta figure out what Preston is getting her. Laura's gift is easy. So is Savvy's.

Well, that's it for me. Gonna go eat the last cupcake here at work. Bye!